Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (2024)

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  • Art
  • 2016-06-30 2016-06-30

Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (1)Author: Patricia Mayayo
Publisher: Editorial Nerea
ISBN: 8415042590
Category : Art
Languages : es
Pages : 268

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Book Description
Prácticamente desconocida por el gran público hasta la gran retrospectiva celebrada en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York en 1982, cuando la artista contaba 71 años, la escultura de Louise Bourgeois (París, 1911), de marcado carácter autobiográfico y personal, no es fácilmente catalogable en ningún movimiento ni tendencia establecidos. Según sostiene la propia escultora, toda su producción gira en torno a una suerte de mito fundador: el adulterio de su padre, que introdujo a su amante, una joven institutriz inglesa llamada Sadie, en la casa familiar. De hecho, desde sus primeros dibujos y pinturas de "Femmes-maison" (Mujeres-casa), realizados en los años cuarenta, hasta sus "Cells", instalaciones a modo de celdas o pequeñas habitaciones, de los años noventa, pasando por sus esculturas de yeso y látex de los sesenta o imágenes del cuerpo desmembrado de la década de los ochenta, toda su producción se halla marcada, de una forma u otra, por ese recuerdo de la "traición" paterna. Ello no implica, sin embargo, que la escultura de Bourgeois tenga un significado exclusivamente íntimo o biográfico. Su obra nos desvela las relaciones de poder, la situación de opresión sexual y la experiencia de dolor que anidan en el interior de la familia patriarcal, demostrando en último término que, como subraya el célebre eslogan feminista, "lo personal es político".

Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (2)Author: Patricia Mayayo
Publisher: Editorial Nerea
ISBN: 8415042590
Category : Art
Languages : es
Pages : 268

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Book Description
Prácticamente desconocida por el gran público hasta la gran retrospectiva celebrada en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York en 1982, cuando la artista contaba 71 años, la escultura de Louise Bourgeois (París, 1911), de marcado carácter autobiográfico y personal, no es fácilmente catalogable en ningún movimiento ni tendencia establecidos. Según sostiene la propia escultora, toda su producción gira en torno a una suerte de mito fundador: el adulterio de su padre, que introdujo a su amante, una joven institutriz inglesa llamada Sadie, en la casa familiar. De hecho, desde sus primeros dibujos y pinturas de "Femmes-maison" (Mujeres-casa), realizados en los años cuarenta, hasta sus "Cells", instalaciones a modo de celdas o pequeñas habitaciones, de los años noventa, pasando por sus esculturas de yeso y látex de los sesenta o imágenes del cuerpo desmembrado de la década de los ochenta, toda su producción se halla marcada, de una forma u otra, por ese recuerdo de la "traición" paterna. Ello no implica, sin embargo, que la escultura de Bourgeois tenga un significado exclusivamente íntimo o biográfico. Su obra nos desvela las relaciones de poder, la situación de opresión sexual y la experiencia de dolor que anidan en el interior de la familia patriarcal, demostrando en último término que, como subraya el célebre eslogan feminista, "lo personal es político".

Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (3)Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (4)Author: Louise Bourgeois
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 46

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Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (5)Author: Raymond Carver
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Languages : en
Pages :

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Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (6)Author: Juan Vicente Aliaga
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (7)Author: Walter H. Allport
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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Louise Bourgeois

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (8)Author: Harry N. Abrams , Incorporated
Publisher: ABRAMS
ISBN: 9780810925908
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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La dona, metamorfosi de la modernitat

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (9)Author: Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona, Spain)
Category : Art, Modern
Languages : ca
Pages : 372

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Book Description
Centrada en el arte realizado entre 1920 y 1970, la muestra pretende responder por qué, en qué y cómo la representación de la mujer ha sido elemento clave en la metamorfosis de la modernidad como idea y como expresión artística, considerando dicha temática, según las épocas, como regulación, disolución, o bien como salvación de una modernidad de después de la posmodernidad, definida como esperanza del presente, como un avance en constante autocrítica.

Essays on Hispanic Themes in Honour of Edward C. Riley

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (10)Author: E. C. Riley
Publisher: Department of Hispanic Studies University of Edinburgh
Category : Espagne
Languages : es
Pages : 400

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Refried Elvis

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (11)Author: Eric Zolov
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 9780520215146
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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Book Description
"This book traces the history of rock 'n' roll in Mexico and the rise of the native countercultural movement La Onda (the wave). This story frames the most significant crisis of Mexico's postrevolution period: the student-led protests in 1968 and the government-orchestrated massacre that put an end to the movement".--BOOKJACKET.

Book [PDF] Louise Bourgeois La Mujer Arana Download (2024)


What does Femme Pieu mean? ›

124) and femme pieu (1970, "woman stake," cat. 132), which I referenced earlier for its meaning of "bed." Polysemic, pieu is also a stake.

Was Louise Bourgeois Religious? ›

Bourgeois, a professed atheist, said about the emotional and spiritual energy that she poured into her work.

What is Louise Bourgeois most famous piece? ›

Femme Maison is the most famous series of paintings produced by Louise bourgeois between 1946 and 1947. The artist replaced the heads and bodies of nude female figures with architectural forms such as buildings and houses. The French translation of this painting means housewife or woman's house.

What happened to Louise Bourgeois? ›

Bourgeois died of heart failure on 31 May 2010, at the Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. Wendy Williams, the managing director of the Louise Bourgeois Studio, announced her death. She had continued to create artwork until her death, her last pieces being finished the week before.

What does bonhomme mean in slang? ›

It means that you are a cheerful friendly sort of person. Keep it up. Any French speaker will recognize that the noun bonhomie is related to bon homme — French for "good man." However, a woman can exude a spirit of bonhomie as well, as long as she is cheery and kind.

What does femme a tout faire mean? ›

Translation of "femme à tout faire" in English. jack-of-all-trades.

What does janus fleuri mean? ›

The title refers to the Roman god Janus who is typically depicted with two heads, one male and one female that look to the past and into the future. The French word 'fleuri' means 'in blossom' or 'glowing', and refers to the golden patina of the bronze.

What is Louise Bourgeois style? ›

These themes connect to events from her childhood which she considered to be a therapeutic process. Although Bourgeois exhibited with the abstract expressionists and her work has much in common with Surrealism and feminist art, she was not formally affiliated with a particular artistic movement.

Why does Louise Bourgeois use red? ›

Hands reoccur in many of Bourgeois's works, often as a symbol of support or dependence. The use of the colour red is also significant since it represents heightened emotional states for Bourgeois.

Why did Louise Bourgeois choose a spider? ›

Bourgeois once explained that she chose the spider as a subject because its traits or characteristics reminded her of her mother. 'She was deliberate, clever, patient, soothing, reasonable, dainty, subtle, indispensable, neat, and as useful as a spider.

What did Louise Bourgeois mother do for a living? ›

Bourgeois's Maman is one of the most famous of her works. The spider, she claimed, was not an ominous or frightening figure, but rather a representation of the protection and industry of her own beloved mother, who repaired tapestry for a living and died when the artist was 21.

How many kids did Louise Bourgeois have? ›

Though Bourgeois did have a younger brother, she ensured the family's legacy by giving her three sons her last name rather than that of her husband, Robert Goldwater.

What challenges did Louise Bourgeois face? ›

During the early 1950s Bourgeois returned to Paris with her family for several years. Though their relationship had been fraught with difficulties, she was distraught when her father died in 1952, falling into a deep, inconsolable depression.

Why did Louise Bourgeois avoid representational? ›

Why did Louise Bourgeois avoid representational works that were naturalistic? She wanted the focus to be on emotions. It was difficult to create realistic pieces.

What does pieu mean in English? ›

noun. pile [noun] a large pillar or stake driven into the ground as a foundation for a building, bridge etc. The entire city of Venice is built on piles. stake [noun] a strong stick or post, especially a pointed one used as a support or as part of a fence.

What does femme noir mean? ›

Translation of "Femme noire" in English

Noun. black woman. black female.

What does Femme mean in fragrance? ›

It means 'for women' in French. It's generally seen on perfumes that are designed only for women. Similarly, you can see 'pour homme' which means 'for men'.

What is a Bonne Femme slang? ›

'Une bonne femme' is the familiar French expression for a woman or a wife. Once a perfectly respectable term, it has now become pejorative. It is not necessarily rude but it should be used with caution. 'Contes de bonnes femmes' are old wives tales.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.