Report #1533586
Posted Date: Jul 31 2024 03:02 pm
Michael Jansen Twinmasters Thief and career criminal fraudster Internet
I was scammed 7K from this person and was never able to recover any shares from Korex which is also complacent and helping this person scam thousands of people every year. All money collected from clients ends up in his pockets without producing a viable and worthy software as promised he also does not pay his employees. This man is a psychopath and a narcissist with a history of doing this since the early 90s and is the biggest women hater around, if you speak the truth he will try to threaten you with violence or maliciously try to start maliciously litigation.
Never invest or give any money to anything this guy starts. City Zenith was still in the fundraising phase for over a decade then later changed "names" several times meanwhile, all shares invested was never returned.
Michael Jansen Twinmasters, Internet
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1533561
Posted Date: Jul 29 2024 04:29 pm
Con Artist Bob Juchter van Bergen Quast and the scam that is the Swiss Chambers of Commerce SCCN Promised to be introduced to investors for our company for $ 5000 initiation fee. Took our money with no real investor match and no follow up / customer care. Internet
Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Internet
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1525750
Posted Date: Jul 16 2023 05:05 pm
Arcadia Securities, LLC Kurt Ruehman Thomas Kikis suspicious behavior in the company New York NY
kurt ruehman is attached, or otherwise found online.
Arcadia Securities, LLC, NY
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1524818
Posted Date: Jul 24 2024 05:34 pm
Aaron Blumenfeld Joanna Blumenfeld, Leon Blumenfeld, Stephen Gross, Michael Lax, Joshua Dias, Michael Harari, their Barbados companies Panama Verde Inc, Panama Azure Inc, and their Panamanian companies Chirican Development Corp, Panama Verde Chica Bay SA, Inmobiliaria Quebromar SA, Boca Chica Hills 1 SA, Eco Geo Co Inc. Failure to pay due wage, failure to pay residential constructions management fee(two houses), Denying employees social security protection and labor rights, breaking arbitrarily four valid commercial contracts, unfair dismissal. Boca Chica, Tierras Altas, Quebró Veraguas Boca Chica, Tierras Altas, Quebró Veraguas Chiriqui
Aaron Blumenfeld , Chiriqui
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1522054
Posted Date: Dec 05 2022 05:11 pm
Paul D Landrew Paul Landrew, Loving Word Fellowship Church, Universal Solar Technology Inc, Has been associated with over 25 companies incorporated under his name. LCJK LLC, The Rise Center for Personal Development, LLC. Uses investors capital through the church to fund his and others lifestyles without permission. SCAM ARTIST and FALSE PROPHET. Houston Texas
Can anyone explain to me why Paul D Landrew has in the past 5-10 years incorporated over 30 corporations? Because each one through fradulent means, he obtains funding for. Through loans, through misreprestations with banks and through his church. He uses his name and connections with his church to derive funds, scamming individuals to invest in projects that have generated 0 capital. He is involved in a high end Ponzi scheme.
For example lets look more closely at Universal Solar Technology INC. The company supposedly derived millions or if not "billions" LOL in capital, yet is still trading at -99,999.99. What is Paul Landrew doing with this company? Pretending to have knowledge of finance and scamming his congregation into giving him more money to "invest" in these churches and companies that give absolutely nothing back to the community. This individual is dangerous, and he became more dangerous as my private investigator looked into him and one of his "company directors" LOL.
No experience in finance, no real educational background "that is fabricated" and a religious message that doesnt make sense but directs the African American community in Houston to continue to fund Paul D Landrew and his endeavors. If it is the final thing I do on this planet, I will stop this man from defrauding my name and defrauding others.
Loving Word Fellowship Church and his other religious connections are simply a starting point to invest in shell corporations for Landrew to steal your money. "Put your faith in God" then give me your money. This individual must be stopped, and I have the time and resources now to do so. Without getting into the exact facts ETC I have,
Explain "Doctor" Paul D. Landrew why do you have 30 corporations? Show your congregation records of everything going in and out of all these corporations, or have the people STOP funding your lifestyle and family. FAKE PROPHET, NOT VERY BRIGHT, I cant understand anything this man says related to scripture, because he is not educated even in a religious background of knowledge of christianity. DO NOT TRUST THIS SCAM PASTOR. I will be providing secondary information soon with evidence my private investigator and lawyer came together with regarding LANDREW. God is with ME, not LANDREW.
Paul D Landrew, Texas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1521693
Posted Date: Oct 07 2022 08:04 pm
Traderlion Traderlion Is A Total Rip-off! AVOID! Scammers Offer No Refunds and Mostly Worthless Filler
Traderlion provides almost no value for the $1000 NON REFUNDABLE yearly fee. (No monthly or trial subscriptions either!). Just a bunch of bad stock picks, weak how-to videos and constant pressure to up-sell to additional courses costing more than another $1000 each in addition to the annual membership. Now, these jokers are charging around $3000 in advance of the release (non refundable of course!) for a "founders subscription" to some sort of half-baked beta version charting software program called Deepvue. The program is not even publicly available, and cannot be downloaded for a trial. Deepvue looks like a simple spreadsheet with colors, and has very limited functionality. Of course, they say it will improve over time. Riiiggghht! This advance payment scheme may be illegal, if not this kind of scam certainly should be. All of the information on Traderlion can easily be found for a fraction of what they are charging just by googling and reading a couple of books. One of the things that bothers me the most is the attitude of arrogance that comes off like stink from all the Traderlion employees. Quite full of themselves, when these jerks are really just full of sh*@. I feel like I got ripped off, with no recourse. Really wish I'd never signed up. AVOID!
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1520878
Posted Date: Aug 31 2022 07:19 pm
ASK FOR FUNDING They represent that they will connect companies seeking funding with Angel Investors Dover DE
Ask For Funding is a SCAM. I want everyone to know that I pitched hundreds of possible investors and they don't even respond one way or another.
This is the second time I subscribed to AFF. The first time had the same results. Yes, it's cheap, but you get what you pay for, but it's a waste of money.
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1517049
Posted Date: Apr 01 2022 12:00 am
Aspen Asset Management AG Christian Lawrence Stephen Moore Spencer Taylor Andrea Elia Juergen Kob Libra Trust Fraudulently misrepresented fake investment possibilities and stole monies Zug Zug
We have received several other persons who claim to be victims of the Aspen Asset Management AG fraud scheme. It appears that it is the same scheme which involves Christian Lawrence and Spencer Taylor offering stock in a private Hong Kong based company, Hyper Vision Limited -
The too good to be true offer is that a Hedge Fund is going to buy this start-up for $3.85 a share with a plan to acquire control and then strip the company of its assets, and Aspen Asset Management AG has access to Founder's shares @ $1 per share, and is offering its clients a no risk 3.85x their monies return in a short space of time.
Of course Aspen Asset Management AG claims that they are under a non-disclosure agreement with the Hedge Fund and therefore cannot disclose any further details on the Hedge Fund and/or takeover target. The likely reality is that Aspen Asset Management AG is possibly representing a fake company with no discernible registration in any real jurisdiction.
We have investigated this offering and have found that the true Hyper Vision Limited is represented by and the true directors of this company deny any representation or association with and the proposed transaction. They have suggested that their company registration details are being hijacked and used by this fake company, on issued Street Name Share Certificates which we believe are a elaborate scheme to defraud investors.
If anyone else has been adversely affected by these scammers at Aspen Asset Management AG, please feel free to get in touch.
Aspen Asset Management AG, Zug
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1515332
Posted Date: Apr 04 2022 07:02 pm
Pamplona Capital Management owned by Alexander Knaster Ripping Off Property Owners with DEFECTIVE LAUNDRY SERVICES Alexander Knaster PROVIDERS POOR LAUNDRY SERVICES New York New York
is only available at this site. Just type in 261157 and it appears in the comments section at Ripoff Report #261157.
Thank you.
Pamplona Capital Management , New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1514943
Posted Date: Jan 05 2022 04:44 am
Retirement Clearinghouse Your Retirement is not safe with Retirement Clearinghouse Texas, Kansas
I signed up for an employer matched 401K that was administered by a reputable company, so I did my full 100% company matched contribution, and watched my balance soar over several years. After I left the company, they switched my account from a reputable provider to Retirement Clearinghouse. They then switched my account from a 401K to an IRA without my consent or knowledge. Then they started charging annual fees at first, now they have started charging a monthly fee as well.
My retirement is a percent of what it was when it was with the reputable company. I cannot find any information about this company, it's assets, phone number or even an address for them. They have just taken my money, and ran with it. For the last month I've been trying to get what little change is left in my account moved over to a reputable company, but they make that nearly impossible.
Retirement Clearinghouse, Texas, Kansas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1514698
Posted Date: Sep 20 2022 04:49 am
Bryan M Hicks - Warchest reserves Warchest (current one) JABEZ SHAKUR B.H warchest Jarvis Hick Bruno Hicks WARCHEST WARCHE Bryan J Hicks Bryan McCoy Hicks - Warchest reserves Warchest (current one) JABEZ SHAKURB.H warchestJarvis Hick Bruno Hicks Warchi warchi DO NOT CONDUCT ANY BUSINESS WITH HIM OR DATE. Mansfield TX
Everything stated on the first post is a 100% accurate. Please do not be fooled his sister Aundria Hicks Obanon is in it with him. He introduced me to his sister at his sister house in Arlington Texas just to earn his trust. Bryan and his sister work as a team. As usual upon meeting him he appeared like a survey business man, investor, man of God. Bryan Hicks is nothing but a pathological lier and professional con man.
I happen to be one of his victims too. Bryan earned my trust by making me belive we was in a relationship. After a few days into our relationship he started asking about my credit score and financial information. He told me he could help me make money me and him would get into business together.
He had me read a book talking about investing and several other articles he would text me daily. And please don't get fooled by him pretending to be a man of God. Four months into the relationship Bryan had me pull 95k of my hard earned income out of my 401k he said we would fund the sister;s foster care business and I would be a partner.
He mentioned he had several properties which I could never find. When I started questioning him he became irate and become indifferent he told me he didn't need my money and he would pay it all back in a month. Keep in mind we were supposed to be in a relationship but he never took me to his house we would always meet at his sister's house.
Later found out he was in a relationship with another Lady he had been posting on social media he quickly blocked me. when I asked him about the Lady he told me he only wanted to earn her trust so she could invest in him.
He was using her, her money and using her title to get up. I tried reaching out to him but to date I have not had any success. He also told me he would never marry the Lady as she had children and that wasn't his thing.
Bryan hicks is a professional corn artist he has to be stopped. He is a huge lier and is merciless with his victims. He targets women mostly but men don't be fooled he can do the same to you.
During our nine months relationship it was constant lies and he was never available he was never available he had me add him to my credit cards to boost his credit score. This man borrows money through his merchant account from mastercard to pay visa all these monies are being circulated around a network of women.
I know God is watching and God will not live unpunished he ruined me financially. there is several reports on him and his sister on here that are all very recent please beware. I have since taken legal action against this thief please beware
Bryan M Hicks - Warchest reserves, TX
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1513121
Posted Date: Jan 23 2023 06:16 am
Phillip W Knight Gordon R Baker QC Innasmat Lynx Top Hat Investments US$75,000 never returned from failed transaction with and Gordon R Baker QC Toronto Ontario
Gordon R Baker's law license has been SUSPENDED per the Law Society Tribunal decision held in December, 2022. It was determined that Gordon R. Baker, Q.C. failed to cooperate with the Law Society investigations and failed to produce the books and records they requested regarding the two (2) cases filed against him for fees that he held in trust and NEVER returned to the victims after the deadlines for their transactions expired and the transactions never completed. There are a total of eight (8) victims that have been uncovered so far with over US$1,000,000 in stolen fees.
This scandal revolved primarily around Gordon R. Baker, QC the trust attorney of Toronto Canada and his associate scammer Phillip W. Knight of London, Ontario who resides at 25 Southland Drive (reconfirmed again in January, 2023) with his girlfriend Allison whose father is the president of the local newspaper there.
Please contact us with your helpful information and help justice prevail against people like this who steal the bread from the table of innocent honorable families. We would appreciate any assistance that can be provided for further exposing the truth in Canada. Contact email is
Please also see the judgement online against Phillip W. Knight for $353,000 at .
Phillip W Knight , Ontario
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1512203
Posted Date: Nov 10 2024 08:25 pm
Tony Rothstein ANTHONY GILLES Bonus blaze Cool kids of Goonsville stock Do not invest in or through this guy or other similar people new york ny
License plate KVF-5742 vehicle 110 Precinct NYPD or other law enforcement agency weekend Day Undercover Police
Tony Rothstein, ny
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1507888
Posted Date: May 12 2021 03:12 pm
Midas Biz Loans Midas Financial/Midas Biz Loans/Midas Venture Studio is operated by unprofessional and uneducated frauds.
Midas Biz Loans ,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1503760
Posted Date: Jan 11 2021 06:41 am
Nate Holzapfel Nathaniel Holzapfel, Nate State of Mind, NateRaw, Dealer Trainer, Nate Utah Scammed me out of $200k Utah Provo
Nate Holzapfel convinced me he was in love with me and going to marry me, then promptly scammed me out of all my money. $200k to be exact. I am a single mother raising three boys, one of which is severely disabled. He is a shister and professional scam artist.
Nate Holzapfel , Provo
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1502840
Posted Date: Dec 12 2020 04:43 am
Doug Cataldo UNK My father trusted his grandson-in-law to manage the funds of our family trust. asbsconded with an estimated $1,000,000 in cash; plus 365, 1-ounce Krugerrands. Mr Cataldo, after scamming my father, and then his own father-in-law scammed a friend of mine, who was at the time in his mid-eighties out of $250,000. Rhode Island
please email me your contact info at I know I can help you .
Doug Cataldo, Rhode Island
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1501125
Posted Date: Dec 06 2020 10:05 pm
Office of the New York State Comptroller It was clear as day that a couple of employees did not want to see me succeed. NewYork NY New York
Office of the New York State Comptroller, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1496609
Posted Date: Jan 14 2022 02:36 am
Exposing Ryan Eagle, the profile of a fake investor, crude scammer and his family of crooks Ryan EagleKyle EagleTom EagleValerie Eagle Exposing Ryan Eagle, the profile of a fake investor, crude scammer and his family of crooks Chicago Illinois
There is one thing missing from your Truthful and Accurate report and that is that:
Dana Samelyuk From The Ukraine is a Racist Bigot Against Black Men.
She only wants people of her own race to be in relationship with because She thinks Black people and mainly Black men are Below and Beneath her skin color and therefore she sees them as Trash, Garbage and Dirt in Her Own Racist Way. This is called Racist Exclusion.
This is colored by her greedy materialism that stains many of the Ukrainian women in Ukraine. Do you know that if you check out some of the "beautifuls" in Ukraine they many times say they want men from 50 to 80 or 60 to 90.
Why would a 20 year old want a 70 year old man? Simple. They know if they marry this man that if he dies she gets to have his property as her inheritance. It is all about Greed and Materialism that these women in Ukraine are addicted to.
They think Black men cannot provide for their selfish greedy ambitions and therefore tend to throw them away in the garbage dump. Dana Samelyukis part of that racism that is motivated by Greed, Materialism and Selfishness.
Fear not Dana Samelyukwhat you sow you will most certainly reap and harvest because of your sick racist mentality. The Future is coming and all that you think that you will be getting away with will come back to bite you like a boomerang. Let it be known you are not going to get away because life's punishment has a way of catching up. Fear not for it is coming.
Exposing Ryan Eagle, the profile of a fake investor, crude scammer and his family of crooks, Illinois
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1495401
Posted Date: May 19 2020 03:15 pm
Smart Crowdfunding Shane LiddellEquitize USA Over promised and under delivered Temple Terrace Florida
Nothing more to add except that evidence of how this individual Barbato conducts himself is listed right here:
Smart Crowdfunding , Florida
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1495319
Posted Date: Dec 29 2021 04:00 am
Ilgar Haciyev SDI Company Akkorsh Company Ilgar Hajiyev Criminal, Con Artist, Scammer conned me into fake business investments and try to steal company assets Glendale California
is only available at this site.
Just type in 502469 and it appears in Consumer Comment #4 at Ripoff Report #502469.
Ilgar Haciyev, California
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1491574
Posted Date: Feb 12 2020 12:33 am
LaSalle Nova Capital Markets LaSalle Nova Capital Markets of Atlanta LaSalle Nova Capital Markets of Charlotte LaSalle Private Equity LaSalle Capital Partners Fraudulant web site of Equity Investors and Brokers Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte IL, GA, NC, CT
Correspondence with Gray Sheldon and LaSalle Nova/ claim fraudulent company and web site. We were solicited for an equity investor from Gray Sheldon from LaSalle Nova Capital around of Nov. 6th and 7th 2019.
We did review there web site and based on the information that was represented on there web site we decided to move forward based on the information from there web site
We did speak to another company Hastings Real Estate and they mentioned they where in the beginning stages with Gray Sheldon and did receive a capital stack letter.
We did receive an Investment Summary of Terms & Capital Stack signed by Matt Case general partner. We could not find information on Matt Case his number listed on the web site goes directly to voice mail. The building address is Scotia Commercial real Estate Holdings in Charlotte, NC does not exist, and Matt does not have an email address. However, I further searched and found on Zoominfo Matt LaCasey that is listed as an employee for Lasalle Nova again no phone number of email address or company address could be found.
I have included the screen shot from the company.
We did receive an engagement retainer agreement on 11/22/19 that was signed by Matt Case G.P. which is listed on there web and we did sign understanding the information from web site was correct. In the agreement it states the Term Sheet would be delivered in 10 days. However, it was sing by Matt Case who we found out that does not even work for the company, so those documents are null and void.
We did receive a signed Term Sheet Commitment document 0n 12/10/19 and was signed by Matt Case.
We did wire the deposit of $25,000 to Keith Spence Attny. At law – IOLTA Trust Account with the understanding that IOLTA laws would apply. The money would be held in an account and we would receive a full accounting of the funds used. I have enclosed the wire information to the account.
We received conditions to be met from Gray Sheldon Lasalle Nova capital. And have fulfilled all conditions in fact have emailed them the same documents several times. See attachments
I emailed Matt Case and called his office over 10 times with no response. After reviewing all the documentation and webs site information this is what we found:
Gray Sheldon office of 225 W. Washington, Suite 2200, Chicago, IL has not had an office there is over two years per Amata Office Solutions. Also, the 20 North Clark Street, suite 2200 was completely empty. I have included pictures.
Matt Case who signed documents real name is Matt LaCasey and can not by found on any web site other then what is included and does not work for the company.
The address for Matt Case of Scotia Commercial Real Estate Holdings, Charlotte NC – does not exist
The LaSalle Nova Atlanta at 1050 Crown Point, Atlanta GA phone 404-880-3378 is not their company and the company that answers said they never heard of Austin MacArthur who is listed as their company contact on several of their web site pages. The company also never heard of Gray Sheldon, Matt Case or LaSalle Nova.
The appraisal partner listed on the web page of Tobin Real Estate has never closed a deal with Gray Sheldon. The “Other Providers” are not familiar with Gray Sheldon. The law firm of Keith Spence in Matteson, IL has never closed a financial deal with Gray Sheldon.
For all these reasons I believe that Gray Sheldon and LaSalle Nova Capital Markets is a fraduant web site and a fraudulent company to mis lead customer into giving them deposit money. I would ask to honor our request and return our deposit in full as soon as possible.
I have all corresponding emails from Gray Sheldon and LaSalle Nova to substantiate our claims.
LaSalle Nova Capital Markets , IL, GA, NC, CT
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1490087
Posted Date: Jan 07 2020 08:20 pm
Terra Green Energy Brett CunninghamW Corporation LimitedTerraGreen Energy ResourcesTerraGreen Energy International Limited Stole $100,000. Delivered fraudulent audited financial statements. Denver Colorado
Please email me your contact information @ JOHNNYCOLLECTS@YAHOO.COM
Terra Green Energy, Colorado
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1489534
Posted Date: Dec 25 2019 09:59 pm STAY AWAY FROM
Invested 200usd and i was told i had to upgrade with 500$ before i could withdraw any profits and i send them the 500$ then they ask me for 1,000$ tax fee to finally see the fee, i refused and lost everything, RUN FAR AWAY FROM THIS MONEY HUNGRY SCAMMERS
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1489532
Posted Date: Dec 25 2019 09:57 pm Scammed by
I got scammed for 0.17BTC on the site of
I fell for their investment plans and i initially invest 500 with the diamond plan that i was supposed to get my payout after two days but before the expiration they asked me for 200$ for a broker fee and i send them the fee then after that they said that to send profits to my wallet there was 500$ withdraw fee and i send them the fee and then again they ask me for another fee of 1,000$ and i refused to pay them that and i told them that if i didnt get my btc back i was gonna report them and show all the email screenshots and they said that they where going to pay me and until this date i havent received nothing.
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1489255
Posted Date: Dec 19 2019 12:02 am
Onit Sciences Eric WeisbrodJim WeisbrotEric WeisbrotIgor Weisbrot Fake Names, Constant Calls, Harassment. Newport Beach CA
I received a cold call from Eric Weisbrod from Onit Sciences about a month ago. The idea sounded interesting so I told Eric I would take a look at some info. I did a little digging into both the company and Eric Weisbrod and I found out that Eric is using a misspelt last name on his signature and that his real last name is Weisbrot.
Opon futher digging I found that Eric also goes by Igor and James and has quite a history of investment scams on his record. The next call I received I let him know that I was no longer interested and was met with an outrageous response full of threats and profanity.
I have received a total of 8 calls and 15 middle of the night text messaged since with more of the same threats and profanity. I have no idea how this man is still selling investments under fake names and acting the way he does.
Onit Sciences , CA
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1488884
Posted Date: May 20 2020 12:55 am
Raymond Ray Leonard, PFD Cap, PFD Capital Partners, Cedar Hills Consortium, Affiliated Consumer Control, Products for Doctors, inc, Epanoui Apiaries, Advanced Medical Billing, Imed Spine and Ortho Convicted Felon Harasses, Berates, continues to run Illegal Activities through Legitimate Companies owned by Others Mission Viejo california
What is the reason you posted a photo of Corbin Bernsen??? And what does judgements over 5 plus years have to do with this report. How were YOU ripped of by this person???
Raymond , california
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1488263
Posted Date: Feb 19 2020 07:17 pm Stock Earnings Refused to honor money back guarantee Jersey City New Jersey
These people put out a website full of useless information unless you are highly trained and skilled at trading earnings reports. This is a very advanced strategy type and should only be attempted if you do currently posess that skillset.
When I purchased the service, I made the mistake of believing their sales pitch, which is very slick and alluring. Their ad did in fact state that after a 90 trial period, that if you were unsatisfied with the service for any reason, that you could cancer your subscription and receive your money back in full.
After I discovered that I didn't really have the skill to make this site's information work for me, I waited the 90 days and sent them an email explaining that I'd lost several hundred dollars trying to trade their information and that I lacked the skill to succeed and that I wanted to cancel my subscription and get my money back.
I soon received a call from a sales agent assigned to me who listened very sympathetically, and then proceeded to shove me into another of their programs for another trial period. I did check out the new program with the same results as before and I let them know that I wasn't able to use this program profitably either and that I was demanding that they honor their guarrantee.
At this point, they denied that such a guarantee was ever given and refuse my demand for a refund.
Entity:, New Jersey
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1488013
Posted Date: Nov 19 2019 08:53 pm
Eric Weisbrod Igor Weisbrod, James Weisbrod, ONIT Sciences Stole My Money!
Eric Weisbrod,
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1487813
Posted Date: Nov 15 2019 04:32 am
WT Enterprise Center West Texas A&M University West A&M University Angel investor based in Manhattan, followed a few companies to this Venture accelerator and then found out they were a fraud Amarillo Texas
As an investor in Mr. Bem's ventures, I wish I could have enjoyed all the Amarillo restaurants that David hosted these entrepreneurs at, unfortunately in NY, we have to follow securities laws for conflict of interest.
WT Enterprise Center, Texas
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1487412
Posted Date: Nov 13 2019 09:20 pm
Tommy Windham Thomas Allan Windham Signed contract to finance a movie and disappeared, leaving huge debts. He is a conman. Brea California
Tommy Windham, California
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
Report #1485200
Posted Date: Sep 18 2019 10:33 pm
Market Makers Commercial Capital Steven Jacob - CEO stole $15,000 third party deposit New York City New York
this is the correct (listed) address on Manhattan
Market Makers Commercial Capital
588 5th Avenue
New York City, New York 10036
Market Makers Commercial Capital, New York
Jerry, Fayetteville, USA
Auto Insurance
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