The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

A 1 4 12 MONDAY Los Angeles Daily Times OCTOBER 17, HOUSES L'or Sale. South and Southircat. FOR SAIFA fine room colonial bungalow on the DON'T OVERTOOK THIS heat Arnet in southwest. clone to bunt district, car nerviro. Noon, large 'lot.

You will pith me that this da the Treat Lay In the city to day fot $9000 $2000 Hee Meydentork with R. At Broad was H043 MOL THE CO, INC FUN 00 AT HOME TOFT, HOME'S that excel in artintic velection, quality, low cost and due to our experience and roots, adrantam complete in in whalraale every detail, $4800 51000 cash. Near new Junior High ard arade achon' Tor full inquire tract core 0107 1 ERMONT FUR BAIL rum home. corner lot, large rooms extra built in features disappearing ted. Ane mantel and electric FAr pice lawn, If 3m want mod mirrounding homes troperts, 01 make 113 offer.

terms, let show you Price BRYAY, R10 FrOAL nda 2nd and Prone 11370 FOR RILE AW hung batit-Lo features tile tile kitr h- low, beautifully fours, wink: contentent to rood car after Pervice 10 Garage any Fruit day from No cont. Can PArD F2000 rash. bal. en terras 2035 W. 8STH PLAIT FOR SALT $10,000 FINNISIFD HOME 85500 Flerantir furnial.ed room house Includ inc cabinet grand piano and over nifed furniture.

on comer lot 1a besutt ful Vermont Arenue equate I'HONE 26105 FOR SALE READ THIS of fumiture 1 La foots throughout F-room benzalow with the Flowers, lann and fruit trem and Greet Jo ation Cinen to Higu POOR 434 48th Mung he sold and hare immediate and all for $0500 Term 3705 Mapin FOR Dorm.a EL vaTTow lardo ani tile hath MA wide. mantel desk and bk case In Holmes disap bed in dinine room, breakfast nonk tile drainboard, Automatic water heater, double Lot close to Manual Arte Small down. than Tent. 1140 Barbara FOR elegant home. 0 come And Alerping porch select oak Moore through.

nut 411 built In features Beautifut Jann Abundance of Towi and shrubin, GaFREC, cement driveway Completely fur niched Some carb Payments than reat Tearing city MA4 GARRATT, 3046 End Ave Phone Wret 1418 FOR AL DOUBLE LARGH ROOMS, WITH TILE RITH9 DRAIN EACH SIDE: HOLMIS ALTO WATER NEATFR. DOLALE GARAGE FIDE DRIVE WHITE STUCCO LOT 501100 $3500 WILL HANDLE PHONE VERMONT 2688 FOR SALE--Modern bungalow. (3 months old Large lot, garage, 4 large bedrooms, alceping porch 6111 extra large Iting form and kitchen. large bathroom v1th built-in $11850, terns F35 per month. $9550 carh, or part cash and mood build.

1Dg Int Owner 5147 10TH AVY FOR On Dormandie, near site Terme 1146 Santa Santa Barbara, One court lathara 26482 FOR PALE Motern ft Room fo: another bungalow 1027 no DEO ROAD 85750 term trould take lot to $1500 OWNER 500101 FOR FALF- Vacant $5300 10th 0 double porch, hardwood Moors Only $2000 cash, bal like rent 8 MAIN FOIL CASE. Balance PRES, 5 room modern. hardwood 7209 VERMONT OR modern co lot just nit Arr Lot alone worth $3500 Fary terms 1100 Phone 700618 Von 6-room colin wipE bath. fine lot ent front. West Adama, 4003 CATHI AVE Terma STONE and Builder, FOR SALE A EL OSTANTIA LUOSIE with income.

384 West 43st st. Need $5000 cath Will Owner FOR CALF Come buy 6-mom bungalow, south front, hun Now, Mac but rocma. Rood Garage. side drive $0000 00 handles it 5131 5 WESTERN AVE FOR $4560 mom buncalow between Monrta and $400 Lal Call 5025 4 FOR SALE mod $6000. small payment down, 800 month, Including inurest, NOFF.

Santa Carbara and Western. FOR 350 451L 8 rooms, large improved lot, close to car and schools $1600, $25 net month Tran 9 Vermont Ate FOR SALE. Sr cal, door throughout, all built in features Corner lot. unly $5400 on terms Worth DAKFS R212 3 Vermont are VI 454 FOR new puncalow. near Moneta, $1000 handie.

Call 343 W. 45TIL ST FOR Vrely -room low 50 ch ckens, 6305 frewnod for sear, $8000 rash, M41S FOR SALE- Toon burualow, desirabla neighborhood. can't be Lat at FOR Donn, neW 6305 FORTH MAIN New 5 rm bung all chraze awn Only $0200 Call 1001 VLRNON FOR will bundle tig 1dw CA inodem In every Con at 3029 VERSIONT FOR SALL-ENO CASh, CAM D. uncur modern Call today. 5314 TERMONT FOIL dandy col Wall quick at $4750 OAKES, 020! Vermont sue TI 454 TOR MALL Dire owner, 0 room bunFLOW FIE Ouner home between FAIREr Lorated at 4322, FOR SALE Bungalow, 3 ruoms $1350.

$1000 cash, 2121 SANTA BANDANA. East and Southeast FOR RALE-3 10051 PLASTERED $2500 Modern cottage, bath. toilet. dare lot One block to car Near and 1 mI aTe SEND down fu month, in terent secluded This AnAr Call 4T, Mandar, 4506 FOR 3 romu home met restricted district. menthly payments low 530 mOTE right in Owner.

DIL F. NICHOLS, south 0938 FOIL house, hdud on 1244 55000 $4500 down. 800 per mo WIL LIANA 1140 F. Jefernon St Louth 4320 Dew bout. All provementa, Party lea ring city.

$1000 down, balance 835 inonth or more 907 BERNAL AVE 07 Stephen.on FOR rooms and Int, corner Adams, desirable fer home cod income OWNER NO FOR Modera room house, 3 bedTOOTTIL, furnace. garage and fruit trees See OWNER, Peres at Boyle 1001 FOR 1000 Food room cottage, large garage 49TH ST. North and Northeast. SALE PARK.Br orner, homer motors bungalow, rooms, bath, eleejung porch, cellar. rage.

dr ten AF, front and back lawn. fruit trees, Fine Deighborhoud and whools Vast be seen fo he F5500, farma Located 53 LOB sleeping Lungs large acreco ft room, lot. good cellar, bich cround at 53200, 1900, balance like tent hear chock and cAn 20 to cite Ad dress 206 TISF9 OFFICE. FOIL owner. bung In tiful 1Cchland lark, lot bearing fruit tree Garage.

ch cken run, lawn Dovers Selling on account inness, VERMONT Nu terius refused 1'h FOR PALE SIm bungalow. Deter occupied, cement location Walk and $1330 drive paved cottage 1 mo LINCOLN 222 Firern. Good Incation LINCOLN 122 balance $3130. $1500 FOIL CALL lovely corner, OWN ELL, 0500 CArT 1715. Furnished Houser TOR furnished 6 from owner, with beaut'ful purch misbed and InsemL Lot 60:15 Furbungalow screen velvet in mahogany and leather.

with and Walton THAT FOR pletely SALE and well bungalow. com Grand bed. on beautiful SI 3104 car $3110. $1730 JIB FOR HALF low, cast: rent 1423 lease, CU income, mcntre for 11tb SECTICLT, Let and ats BOLLYWOODFor Kale, Kachange, Wanted, To Lat. Hollywood RALE- bird Comer let on Vermont are, Dear 'TOR amall payment down.

also Richt corner ca sold near Western VERMONT pore st once 1310 fountain, lot Road high-claas valley stricted dirirt. Perpetual mountala and Enruer view Terms Fee OWNER. 1265 Phone FOR BALLAT SACRIFICE My brautiful new Spanish bungalow on 4 1 Helebta, owner Holiswcod. J041 FOR CAL 141 RENMORE ATE Boll wood, colcaul bungalow two bedrocms, cue late, out fours, large lot CHA TIL hand with extra large twin Also dua Victrola, preanna parage bed. uk hath 5261 and kitchen, VER, ate, phone Hollr or lots.

BALE matricted, Hollywood roll roce EDWI. 6117. N. End HOLLYWOOD Far Rule, Wanted, To Let SALE ONE OF THE SHOW PLACES IN HOLLYWOOD, $30,000. Stately Nesidence Overlooking the city.

85000 cash mires you possession, $25,000, per cent due 6 Open for Inspection in Afternoon. FRANK IT. 212 210 Pantages Theater Mr. Durdell or air. Kelley, Nico 2104.

FOR HALE WOOD. nr GLAD THIS ULY AD. TELLS OF THE AGST IN Lot You know that One Spanish Harlenda on the northwest romer Oglen Drive and Solma are, with 8 won demol room Including Ledrooms, bathe, liring room IN 30, dining room 15 and kite hen with Jarad breakfast nook that is and the entry and ateir hall and matritas, the woodwork All through in old gold and of enameled burnt wood, and the walls Tif. fady blende fu 1rad nod oil Say, we maid It WAS the This In cmne and take it for $24,000 Terms if desired, Don't deins Come today. 1001 OGDEN DRILL FOR HONE FOR MUCH LESS.

very brantiful home in the foothills of Holly wood, one acre of ally Ane nith pond lies, canters, etc. 9 3 This home wilt tie at a very low price on an Immir-Hate male Built by artistic owners for their own home, House in compact. mani and attractively ArMing be purchased furnished destred 22 agent, MI QUARRIE, 0787 Hied Holly 139, FOR SATE $8500 NUTS ATTRACTIVE NEW I $8500, One bin north nf Hollynoal Nird, on a choice lot with chat front sonde new Are room pinater bungalow which reduced and by mold, An owner leaves far the Lant. Large living room, brakfast nook, tHe lath and sink, All Prat quality hardwood, double mainge, It' worth jour white to are this before you decide NORTOV AND nod 577485 FOR HOLLYWOOD INCOME Owner returning to Eastern Intiners, wish(S to dispose of hia beautiful bungalow court of eight units at a sacrifiro trice, Choire central loration Rummlows of four roma, beat condition, All completely furnished, and rented for $425 monthly N. better bus In loll wood locume of ILia size trelar SORTON AND 0500 Tolls wood tiled 577485.

FULL PALEWANT OFFER FOIL THIS REAL WOOD BARGAIN. 1 ORTI1 $15,000 Fine, rast front home at 1821. North Normardie Just uorth of Hollrwood Bonterard spacious rooms, double ga. rage. with rooms abore BIg lot.

bee it Hero Is SHUD Make reasonablo oCer oule P. I LONGLEY, 579448 6007 Hollswood nird FOR SILL $3000 NORTH OF HOLLYWOOD BLYD. ADo hall block, $5000 A three-romn cotface on the rear of an unrestricted attyfoot lot that alone in worth the price of the whole property, One large living room. clereta, bath, kitchen, 140 small porches Goral location SORTON AND BUNCH, GiNS Hollywood the 55 FOIL SALE- are requested to TATUT, Bu unusual proposition, The house has 2 bed rin den, furnace, redwood Aufah du Miring, dining rooms and den. Halance white enamel Lot 61x1 $8 Locatien V.

of Sunset, nest of In Urea, on one of the prettiest stretta in Iollywood. Well worth price naked $12 500 G. DETZER REALTY CO, 51124. 0409 Ho'lswood Bivd opp Hotel Holly FOR Wet best barcan before laying Twostory 10-room colonial Ln Int ALDODE Ane homen. Fire larke bedrooms and two tilo bathur Minbogany Anials and most desirable Large garage, lawn, trees and abrules.


CARL 0250 Santa Sonica bird Holly 6122. FOIL FACE 111. LA SITES AMOVO THE OAKS In sizes of quarter acre and more OrAm of city, mountains and sea. beret work and conveniences THE CREAM OF WENT HOLLYWOOD. I'rices from $2500 and up Terms.

LINTS I Halle 6567 tale agent 1 8001 Sunset Bird FOR SALEHOLLI WOOD. Double bungalow and 5 room house. Income $240 monthly Corner lot. facing 4 sirceta, 501180 Fardu and Hoors, tile bathe, garages and abarlutely modern. Can't beat this Price $17,500 Terns.

Call FOR SALE stop Dutch colonial 8 room home, all hardwood doors, furnace, basem*nt automatic mater henter, located in stricted neighborhood, north of bird near Arthur Lets And other beaux homies Price $10 000. terme Shown by appointment. 607543 woud a most beautiful bulla. ing alte, twO JOLA (128 and 120, Hollynoo! Park Place.) corner Vine st and Sound, north of Holly wood Bird Faces 3 streets, commands now in Holls wood. tenor in on Vine st.

look at It. Courtesy to Agents Owned F. C. MAN, Chatsworth, Cal FOR SALE WIN MAY RENT when for a youll carls pasmeat you got of this attractiro bungalow and on lot nell located in restricted district? I'rice $5000, temin, LEWIS B. WOOD, Holle 0507 6001 Sunset Bled FOR SALE Lexington, 60r138, $2200, Nower, Lodi Place.

50x135, $7150 Wilcox. tor 50x140, $8500 A. BENEDICT. with Scarles Really Co. 0504 Holly wood Bird 67277: CTE rings, 000845 FOR lot.

wood way, ironderful ew of mountalan and ocean. full grown fruit trees and lance Lam that could Le turned Into DIVIDE Quar Prico $1000. 3 bika, from Sunset DIvi Cull WILSHInE 1505 ur 1445 Lakrahore are TOIL SALE- larze lot with 4 room mourn hottie on rear This is "located between Hollywood and Sunset Birds, ticar Iron Bull. Can be mada tars attractive, turncu Into good income property Price $2100 crab, no Icas OWS EL Holly 4979 FOR SATE SFIVICE WITH SAFETY Tu buy, sell, Insure, loan, on HOLLYWOOD PROPERTY. -TAFT REALTY CO "We're Been Beto Thirty 8781 Hollywood Bird 60045, Holly 3080 FOIL SALE- you want to bus or sell property in tolls wood why not talk us to men who aperialice in name.

Phone GIBSON-HESTON QUENTIN. Hollywood Real Entate 6408 Hollywood bird. Moly B44 or 87305. FOR FALLBOUTII MOLLIWOOD NEAR WESTERN Hautifal Groom stucco under tion-you may choose nut your and own Jellow cats docorations, Thur, you'll like it Tina to mail Take datun r. etc 150th to 1044 N.

WESTERN b-footi bun calow. beautiful crounds, excellent 1a convenient terms CALI1 REALTY CO 1794 Cabuenga eve. "We sell lots 677710. Open Suntill noon FOIL OWNER GOING FAST. bedrooms, 5-room sea bungalow this nt in once, cood price location.

richt A soli at once 1310 A VLIMONT, 500039. 1803 Hollywood 508131 FOR CALL A NIFTY within block of Fanta Stonira Bird. nearly new. Large lot, north 13200, Call all for $0000 1 Better act DoW 1014 FOR SALE HUY OR ONLY ARTHUR SPECIALIST, MOLLY BLYD OPEN EVENINGS 101L SAL. near Holly wood bird.

and Vermont. paying 10 per cent now on price piked, und rapidly In value It a property. $15,000 will handle 4650 NOLLYWOOD NEVD 1 OR FALLDouble lot, number 1240 Drive. water 0D lot, loch service: large fruit trees, desirable and well Joanted Owner, 7725 HAMPTON ATE FOR EN 6-100m hardwood doors, modern, lugh lot Splendid vleir of the mountains. Hollywood mAke torus to responsible bus OWNER.

WIT 1017 SALEmolem bungalows, 7 and rooms, on one jot NEAR BOLLYWOOD DLVD Ane cor lot 751100. N. Hollywood Bird. $3000 suitable for data, Cupier or court THOSE FOR LOTS FUR TRUST DEED Two cond lots 43x135 doutle low permittel, prar Hester 2150 each 1 111 conn der accent aule to $1500. Fal' ANTI EN FOR WINE do Jou want! aesthing from vacant Jot no to the Enest maDrion: and courta la Holly wood, Fee.

ELlIO1 MARTZIG. (all at 114 Western FOR Lot La 8. Hollywood, SIEGT HOLLY 950 FOR SALE- cash. mo. 3 DEw bars price, treed.

1400 HOLLY 4800. HOLLYWOODFor Ento, Exchange, Wanted, To Let. FOR Fine FANTA corner MONICA 150:125. BLED, 1 CORNER, room honse. good Miring quarters, Win family orchard Gurner tante bird.

and Flores st. FOIL A DAL north of Holli. wood bird. owner, 1441 GARDNER ST. 01420.

FOR SALE A porch. nace, frult, north of real home $7500 Any terma, MOOTA POI Incuma property, A UN jot, tenter of 0351 LELAND Buy from otrnet FOIL will vicrifice modern bungalowa, And cuch, eutral The 1000 HOLLY TO ('all 4 Holly 184. A509 Holly Bird have my own car. TOR HALF or cite In Hollrwood: a bargain, on cornor, north of Hollywood no agents Call 570-431. FOIL HAT.

room bungalow. all modern Improvements 056 N. HOBAHT BLYD. Phone Holly 3172 TO room bungalow, beatlimily Tor. nishid, heart of Hollywood.

PLone In. or FOIl In West lollywool, tuated among beautiful Wonderful view. Phone SER 605951 POll home, lATES Jot, 8 near Easy term FONT SALE On Sunset. near Western Harmin Fee this at once Call at 1514 WESTER' Pretty routn bungalow. West MI.

wood. Prive cast. GREET, 8 1101. 15402 FOR 9A1 -Owner cast niters rm. bungalow bargain 200 FOR SALE Corestricted Into close in 60 TE fronta.

$4600 $4750, 377035. fronta. $4600 $4750, 377035. GLENDALL For Sale, Exchance. Wanted, To Let.

FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE and garage on Int 50x187. 3 bedrocma, hardwond cement base ment, chicken sard, Mowers and lawn. extra large. garage Close In. dandy $7500, down.

$7700, $3000 HANDLES thin ful d-room hours, and garage, located on Central bedrooms, floor throughout, logs, gas radintor. Batch Mer tile and beautiful Min room WELL roomn. bungalow and hardwood toors throughout, breakfast nook, antoniatio heater. laundry trass, erenthing the best. Chicken nana, lawn, trees, $18001 handles.

Worth etery cent they are askInx NEW GROOM HOUSE and garage, close In, bearing Inuit trees on lot 501160 liardwond foors, built-in features, 2 bedrooms. cellar, ready to more richt Into, $1500 bandies Dilanca on ver easy terms, This placo must be sold $7000 NUYS a dandy 5 room hmme, low rated on a beautiful corner, vell planned. hardwood floors throughout, 2 bedrootna, hall. Dun parlor, Austrian shader, etc, Dining-room opens outa patio, cellar, lawn. garden in rear.

garage. Placo 13 fenced blocks from btulnesn center. $1600 bandies Don't miss this, 000D 5, rocms, SatRe, 5100-61750 handler. roomi, handles EA rAN 0, handles rooms, gerage, 500 handles, rooms, garage, handles, 3 ruins, handles DANDY FOUR ROOM garage, house, on rear of 601135 ft. 1ct.

Partly furnished only $2000, 4500 handica. LOTS ON LOT southeast section 501150 bas full-bearing fruit treen in good condition 214 blocka from L. A. car line, 18-cent fare. $1500 LOTS, 44x1 Cat, northwest section, $850 each, cash.

ONE LOT on Lomita, 50x140, house on all for $1000, $800 bandies. A. 1. Baird mer. Real Estate Dept.

HDY KENT CO 130 S. Brand Bird. Phone Glendalo 408. BOR STIP BEAUTIFUL FOOTHILIA RESIDENCE Place beaut, scenery and altitude. at res bearing fruit, with in profusion, mudern home with Westinghouse eloctrie TAngO and elect Ic beater, on Sue highway.

large double garage, 10 shares mater. 300. pullute and modern brooders and chicken houses, basem*nt $3000 cash will hundle, (late to Glendale CIRCLE REAL ESTATE co. 120 No Brand. Mendale.

FOR PALMy large, HUDAS 7-room hungalou Close to foothilla, Glendale Fruit trees, lawn, Now garage, adjoining lot with avocado trees, berry hushes, goes with: It If desired see this real home at 090 ISABEL then pbone me, OWNFR. Glendale 2142 101. FUR -Tew room bungalow, extra Are built, hardwood floors. largo garage. In cood location 300 W.

GARFIELD AVE Owner, 1010 W. aL, A Phone Went 1190 FOIL Do you want one of those un1sunl art latte Late a largo room one on Glendale's choice realdence street. If you hare $4000 I take jou a real price Cali At 492 JA KSON aT FOR Going back Will 7 cood room house, plot 03:150, 1010 California ate. corner Adans dale. HOREHT preinises.

Phoue 2010 J. Glendule FOR SALE hrable gArAge on mar, 4 Mace to more right Into $2050, terais. EDITH MAY OSBORNE, 410 Doran FOR room bungalow, furnished, snap, $4,00 p. Located at 414 Fer. nando Court, Glendale Hurry.

3011 want this. hEIRESS, at abore au. dresa FOR SALE COINER. 155x 150, 5 W. corner Louise and Stocker.

OwDcr, 118 BLACK BLUG. Main 3307. PASADENAFor Sale. Exchange. Wanted, To Lat.

FOR BALLAND MA9 ANNUAL VISITOR. Are you thinkinz of locating 131 Would you consider a home offcting urusual charm of Incation and surroundIngy, situated on tbo main thoroughfare connecting and the Foothill Eculerani, two miles from the heart nt Pasadena, set having tho quiet and Medusion of a real country pincet It conalsts of fire acres of the most wonderful trees In Southam which would require a lifetime to roproduce, alsa his an abundanco of tractically erery variety of fruit The house consists of cleren large rOmA, tao bathe, three Arrplares and furance: is net ireli back among the trees and fy connected by beautiful winding drive to the main thoroughfare It has A quict, homelike air, seldom found any which makes it the ideal home for both the winter and Sutamer The tamer has occ led it eight scars and has nerer 1-'pre ofered it for sale, but due to adwarcing And smaller farily nor offers It for $35 000, which 1s far helow actual raine Shown by appointment Mr Shaw JOHN CO. 32 Colorado Pasadena, (al FOR RALE-20 2 1 brat car serrice, near rchools, busineu, worth $7560 1 af rold before Thursday for 83250. Location, Rooserelt 1 black north Colorado Bring dermit, Corner there afternoons. 550000.

BALOO FOIL SALE- lot $0500. NeAT Short Line. 0-room bungalow; 00:160. Variety fruit 85911 FOR SALE $3400 room bungalow, sleeping porch. 35911 CITY LOTS and Lands for Sale, FOR EALF1001 135.

WESTERN AVE FRONTAGE. $37,000. Clare to 3lelrose in the most actire part of Western me, where ground Talure Are with Increasing daily. Call Air, Scott, 56155, KELLS GRANT, 6A302 TIT. 2684 WILSHIRE DIVD.

AT WESTERN AVE FOIL BALE EAST FRONT LOTS. 57 $1200 cach. Otber good tota, with amall down payments, 338 SOUTH PACIFIC Huntington Park. 40933 FOR Fine residence lot on Larch. med between Rosewood and Bet.

reasonable price for cash OWNER, 420 Gover Halls trood 3048 FOR SALE- nr Western, unrestricted, 00x100 $125 per It for quick artion Owner Breda Call 815 S. WESTERN FOR TALE Lot suitable for bungalow court alte Southwest Incation plow in Good district MAIN FOIL LOTT OV VERNON CHEAP. 401143, PHONE VERMONT 2088 FOR SALE- owner 50 of feet business or Amiment lot, near Western ATA Call VFT ROSE' FOR ATE LOT. ABOLT SOME RUY. M.

SP ALDINO. 0113 A WESTERN AVE. vol MALE- Tota on Tonne between and 4th streets, snap. DOLIS GABARD. Phone Lincoln 1813 FOR SATE distact Care stricter, marantred permit for Cat or bungalow court.

$4250 1936 W. FOR -Double with upstairs apt. income $185 month, close in, Terms Ph BROADWAY 1475 FOIL SALE double Beautiful Jot. bungalow, 1080 The thing for $2150, WENT ADAMS. FORE VILE VERMOST JUNIOR HIGH TRACT.

few choice lots left 8401 5 POlL POO Sonics Bird FRONTAGE come to headquarters A MckINNFY 11 1 FOR SALL- hoice lute, 010 cull near On disc. 4020 etery Inker Park. 10k Monica Bird, buritiCaA lot, FO bare genuine SHAW 1136 Sermort FOR LermA bite street WorE $300. 3722 STEPHENSON. FOR SALE Contro or 1st, 507140 $3730.

Call WESTERN. CITY LOTS and Lands for Sale. CITY LOTS and Lands for Sale. OITY LOTS and Lands for Sale. FOR SALTGRAND OPENING SALE OF LOTS.


DISCOUNTS FOR CASTI ON BUILDING. Rich and alchtly ground, with character and indiridualits. Something britor and just little dif ferrnt Hearonably restricted NO TEM PORARIES OT FO, Lots full size and fully improved. This 1 my tenth of good Freidence business property In 1.04 Angelra, my word for It thut it in the best property 1 hare ofered the public COME AND SCR FOR Courteous salesmen will be glad to anuver any and all questions You will not be urged to buy, A wonderful site for bust. (VERMONT AVE FRONTAGE,) home or safe investment; lots sold only from the tract amico.

Tako University CAr marked Manchester or looter are. cur, to 8itl place sad mont. Open Erenings. F. DOLAN, OWNER AND SUBDIVIDES, FOR BAE WILSHIRE LOTS HIGH, SIGHTIN.


53-FT. FRONT. $1076, EASY TERMS 00 FT. FRONT. $1650.

EASY TERMS. Never again will Wilbire lots sell nL prices Jou are loukdog fur a home Rita or investment Then Que these lots Is what 0011 want, Call UA at once, Phone 15007 all day and crenlogs. 05743 ereningr HOWARD Agents, 802 Pantagos Soventh and If dOL be Off STATION SITE SUNSET BLYD CORNET Suitable for oil atation, garage other business very a recLion. where values aro Incrensing lot divide. Sell on terms Eco this Funday or evenings 1597 50' 5-ET BIND.

Lareta Terrace, Week office 515 W. OTH PHONE COATR FOR SALE LOTS -VACANT LOTSIN HUNTINGTON PARK AND WALNLT PARK. This desirable property 13 still obta'n-1 able at values that are not Sudated, 1nd our largo liatlogs and ten years' erperl ence fu this section will be of value to you in the selection of b. 1. 5 181 6.

Pacino Bird. Huntington Park 20005 FOR SALE On New Hampahire. Catalina Bereado. First to Reterly All atreet improvement. WOOD BRENT.

Realtors. 120 Ard st. Toom 713 Ph 68183, FOR BALE $330. 1-4 ACRES $350. 835 CASA.

$5 PER MONTH IN STRAWBERRY PARK. Water, gas and elretricity. Finest pott. will build you a house ou en Dements. Auto leaves our omce every hour during day, WESLEY ROBERT9 COMPANY.

772 409 Laton On Bide. FOR BALEDON'T OVERLOOK THIS Ana corner lot, unreatricted. west of Wellington Square. In a nice neighbor. hand beautiful homes on the other comers.

Four room new bungalow and garage the rear, facine the side street, irbich will rent for $50 per mouth. 10 per cent on the interest. Price secon comb, and a good trus OTTO, 4450 W. Washington st. FOR FALFLATALETTE SODARE BARGATN.

00-ft lat near Waaldraton aL. Price 82500 rach Price $2500 caw Ilere no your to Ane lot In beautiful tract FAT belor the market, C. OTTO. 1150 W. 6L FOR BALE 00x130 WILSHING BARGAIN.

20300 Clone to Western arc on the choicest part of Wilshire Bird. The location 301 have bern looking for Call Mr. Scott, 50355, with KELI9 GRANT. 56302 REALTORS 2061. WILSITRE BLAD AT WESTERN AVE FOR SALEUNRESTRICTED Holly aod .82500 50 ft Vermont Avenue dear Htnte Untromits 7630 140 ft.

corner Vermont near Exposition Bird 6500 65x105 Aiden Avenue 6000 Fee MA WELLS wIth CO Inc 5 olive St, Realtors BURy 6043 TALE TODAY'S BIG SPECIAL Targe, unrestricted comer. 180x145. In Holly wood 87500 takes It all. Biggest bargain of the season- chance to make big money. High ground and yellow car line.

Must well today, CARL COFFMAN REALTY CO. 4580 Metroso 118 Take Hellatrope Driro car neat on 7th at. to Melrose and Normandie. SATE WEST WASHINGTON FRONTAGE CARE CORNER 200 ft. on Washington It deep, few blocks froin eaten Ave biscest bargain on Washington, fot big business.

Must be sold, $18 000 cash required C. KUNKEL, Hobart Washington st FOR SWE NEW SUBDIVISION. WISHIRE PARK. F0-font lots 50 per cent under raine Hob and Nightie: 3560 up Very liberal Drive out Pico. 1 mile west.

of high school to bish ground and tract omce Lire on tract, Including sundays. 1. E. CO 12410. 610 W.

FOR BATEASTOUNDING SUCCESS, In less than six months the 'MUTUAL has made oter $50 PHOFIT for its bets on each $100 paid In by them, which amount Is secured by BOND st times. Four money making A lika FeLord? not, become Mutual Partner in the tual Jealty Corpuration, 836 0-T Title Insurance Bidg SOIL THE DST BUYS A est Adams district b'ab level $3000 30 on Washinaton. between mont and Western: only $2500. Flat or court corner Normandio near Washington, $1800 balance $4000 on time 500 San Fernando Bide 12824 FOR SALE 150 FT ON SIXTH ST. AT $150 PER FT.

This atrolutelr the chraDest property on 4th at only 1 blerks from Park Call Mr. KELTS Alaruist 10355 QUANT, 66802 REALTORS TIL 2604. WILSHIRE HIND AT WESTERN AVR. FORE SALE ON A LITTLE FARM 2 ACRES AT EL High and Nightly. good soll.

frostless, temporary house Honed. $475 balance 13 mos CALKINS, Lincoln 1149 ares, 312.1 UIL SALE -LOTcorner, 100x150, between Adana and Washington hiah ground. Ana reeldental district, build data, noth ng hatter Location amures permanent, steady Income Wabington and 8th are, FOIL SALE MIGUEST BARGAIN ON VERMOST AVE, SOLTHEAST CORNER OF 00111 ST, 03x150 FT CASH OWNER. 6405 ENSIONT AVE. THOSE VERSIONT 2440 FOR MALLLAT.

50x172, on N. Hobart. unrestricted. Price Same tern CALL. FOR 9411- cor Wilton and unrestricted, 001150.

$0000 sell Call at 315 4 FOlL SALE lot Athen Heighta: cicar OWNER. 233 S. EmerDenver. Colo FOR frost your opportunity NoW, SHAM 1130 Vermont FOR SALE- BY auder, east vard Bled one block south of WT.ST 0033 FOR SAD Corner lot $1200, terms GRAIl 43. Main FOR SALE lots.

Ito call neck dATA 51G MADISON FOR BALE, .00 3100 dawn. $10 6603 MONS INDUSTRIAL PROPERTYFor Sale and Kachange. FOR HALFWe have a fine manufacturing butiding. practically new, two dory brick, 001180 Incation best. to the city.

Good terms. AIR DAENZLE 029 at. 01007. TOIL or Alto, close 1n. Halt Take, Rallnav In mAr.

Han Fernando bird. call front. 197x150, corner lot. Price $7500, onuer, Lin FOR Tartary alte, To ineda and lat, trackagu, See SIONRIS, Trust The Inmiranco Trust bth and Spring FOR BALE Fartory din, free, 14 miles out 10 screw at $4000, three milies ont. Bargain- -Alameda and slausou.

WOOD BREST, 120 W. Third Phone CON SALE bor desired. C. IL, Wumingtun, INCOME Property for Salo. FOR SALE $22,000, A very attractiro tour family fat near Ambassador Hotel can Uc had for above amount cO reasonable Tiled sinka, sinks, tilrd ba hard wood Hoora throughont, built in features and ideal arrangement.

This One of the nicst attractire properties in the city. CALL SIlL WATTEILS, With -HO 600001. 608032. 8001 Wilhire Bird. FOR SALT JI'ST THINKI ONLY $5000 TO HANDLE FOIL HALE BUNGALOW COURT WORTHY 01 YOUR CONSIDURATION, fast unit Just bins constricted.

others all rental. In beal location both for rental or mildence kach unit has four houtifut Tiana, Anent Andshed In old disappearing bed, large laundry porch Day undt. 10 riew of the atrout 47 porches that are private. The is nally tar cain and must by sold THE HOLT TOMPANY. 331 Socurity Budding Thants 1602 OIL, MALTSi unit bungalow court north of Hollywood Hind on large lot beattLa All unila COlDvietely furnished.

Beautiful ration, splendid incomo and a barcain It will pay you helter than 40 per cent net on atpount of carb required to handle Call WATTERS. with 600001. 3091 Wilabire Bird. 588032. FOR BARS $14,000 WITTE STELLO FLAT The biggest bargain we here offered for months, good location, 010 In ome Plata Nano four Tonias each.

bard a and Doors, built In effect a Hon overlook this one IT4 BLY. fre tr Holland, with CO INC. Realtors Fo Olive Ft Broadway 8042 FOIL TWO-STORI BUILDISO with two stores below and tru fata ahore. Excellent Good ton, clow to shunts and Ines This be had this Menk for $11,000) Emall cash balance mass THE COMPANT. 831 Bacurity Building, Phones 1572 FOR BOLE Incumo and" Tome erty in Bollywood: Spanish tape extra large rome.

tile hatha home kitchens located ATO Santa artifirally furnished blocks from In Sionica Canyon, occan. furnished house Vendee and Playa del which rented for year: front, good inconic. aDy or all of these prop entice ancrifice or trade. Fast owner. 6241 FOUNTAIN AVE Holly 4100 or 129 FOIL -WEST AGL HOME AND INCOME 17 Foom molemn story Interior alt hard whod; 10 bedrooms, 1 baths.

won driful horse for 4 hoosa, vale would rent fut $300 per month t'omer lot ANI IL on Washington, close to eaten Daly $19.000 cash required Ground worth tuore than price Ask for house Washington at Hobart FOIL KALE- Reichta: splendidly built 4-family dat. consisting of LHO 100m lowers and tro uppers, In and crowing district, between Washington 10th at car line Each fat has one bedroom and one built-in bed, hart doors. floor furnaces, front back porches, all In excellent condition Build. Inc than gears pit RING REALTY CO 3400 IV achinrtan Wat FOR 2855 2R91 Francia Avenue, 1 block south af Fiahth block rant of 1 ermont Wrath 134.000. take $30.500 with 1A rE comer lot.

honestly built white plaster, rooms, Merplre porches. white enamel and instantaneous heaters, radiators Preplaces bullt-In features and galore, 4 varuces. 11 mediate nostasion Olen 10 Dum and Bell, phone 15815. 827 UNION 01, Dino. FOR SALT REP TRIS ONE FIRST.

Completed double stucro mitus' freit Finished In old irony, hard wood throughout Two LATER lot with lawn and shrubbery For quick selling under market value, Terma. Must be seen to appreciate ALLEN NOR A RILL FT 01607 unit stucco practically new with modern contentence: Elt 4 Alamo dietrict Large lot. Income over F300 month Thin real buy. must be seen to ba A ciated. Sir 0 Grady, 02 a WILL ST 61607 FOIL In de, nan stucco Tour family fat boliding.

lot 50x135, four permanent ten. ante one dat beautifully furnished, piano, repulse Morocen furniture, good beddinz. clone to grammar and high school. income $1000 per fear. Sour own apartment sin cro bandies Address M.

box 411. TIME BIANCH FOIL PALE--A FLAT HARGAIN. In are solo Agents for of A fatally Clint Art bids with DA into to Price $10 000, can well quick for $1500 Must hare carb. Don't rall not that much. 317 11 Hellman Bldg TOR FALL Bargain.

12-room Income, $150 or more per and ADL Choire Ir cation. An baamment and tolict. 2 kitchens, 2 baths, 2 AL 2-story double garacc. comment floor, and Artreway. Present Income will piore make tatmenta Farr frame Take West 24th West Adans car 103A WEST 21TH.

FOR BALE- Double 6 room buncalow In the Wilbire district, everything dedrable Income 8150 per month. WIll seri. Ace for Immediate sale, rary terma. Fee Hr Howard, 028 HILL ST A109T FOR FALL In the heart of richt adjoining Ambamador llotel four Are room white planter dat bides. Hardwood tiro separate largo bedrooms, automatic hot water beaters.

four tarast" Income $3780 now. can be Increared Lot alone worth $10,000 Trice $101 handle See owner ALBERT LANE 009 San Bide 4044 FOIL SALE- -MON for jour Double house and 4 bunzalown, exceptionally well built on larce corner, Nicar Lavositini BIrd and Vermont, only $14.000, with $5000 cab. income, 101F rents, Act quirk. Olsen and 13815 3:7 OIL BI DO FOR SALE four End Cat only buildings, $0,000 near Terme Fig defoR worth $25 000, big Income, low reata. New tunnel will crently increase value of this property Sec 11 at once, OLAFS 16973 AND BELL, 327 Union Oil 1'h FOR BALE 4-FAMILY FLAT.

Fine frame fat building within blocks of Sandal, Arts Mich Echool. apartments furnished Good Income Best location and ain. Phons 20107 FOR in Income property. furpithed or rooms unfurnished, largo both lot, modem. rooms 5 nith 2 room Calif Income.

$170 month. make reasonable prire on gOOd terms: $1000 or $5000 will handle. Will exchenge 5 13AHJ FOR S. section Adam district. hew cream atucco Ant bids 20 rooms Tile entrarce.

tile baths. Boors throughout. 000 may onhome alth Income, temain on muni gage Price for quick sale lot $00,000 PI 52004. Macht consider FOR up SALE Northwest. attar double to $8000 bungalow, sacrifice $7700 $3200 cash.

balance PARS terms. SLO ANDREWS BLYD Hollywood to Benton Was 15 acres, Main all under cultivaFOR BALE -CHEAP Lion. on cat and bird. CONNAY, Main 4530 FOR BALE low court unita. bargain.

near ferenth and Vermont OLSEN AND DELL. corner lot. phone 16675 3.7 Inion oil Bldg terms FOR NeW A dat for Inodern. ent fue location. rood income shame to cive It nerd the money takes it FOL rooins, corner furnished, lot room bunhouses, every couvenience, garages FUR cornet lot t-room $2100 cash house front.

house balance $30 month. per cent interest 1086 AD FOR SALE tar 8 near UTC Income $110, $1200 Price $5100 1017 WV. BOTH Wont 2003 FOR SALE 46500. Eerina. Th4-4 fat Indiding.

in. IpresBOWEN, 11788- INCOME Property for Sale. For Sate, Exchange, Wanted, To Let. FOR $4500-Fina little home of 3 rowins and tath, located on Camera Street. Hull Houne LA now fir $00 per month $900 coals and 510 per month will gire you this borne, Groom home on Jarmo lot In Hollywood Contains 3 All hardnoud nonry linishal in old And bile enamel MART MIc and trout Large boll pagineat door, lalance enry, BARGAIN, $7500 TWO MONTAN DUNG ALAWS CO 00 lot.

One mains and one A mom Thow Are in Are Hollywood tion, being on North Harvard Boulevant. (mo has bed ruom And disappearing bel, tile bath. wrod foot Other has two tHe bath and kitchen Hard wond Foots. Largo double Lola of In fact, nil hotne for the most partientar HOYT COMPANY. sol acurity Bldg, Phones: 197A7, FOR Anor a builder who milde good hm'arg.

He lins just completed mom stacco, In cur experience hate men 139 better saluo for the mones. Loralat on a terraced cornet in West Hollywood surmunded by full gronn freck Shruta and nowers benutify the The Urine toom 21x14 and the dining room 10:14. Both Ate AnSahed to antique plastering, damned chapel ceilings and quaint hand decorated nxtune, The wall decorations alone cost $500 Bath and kitchen are tiled ani the 3 bedroom each unusually large, Drive out to Curion and muth to the corner af Pacino and Norton. EFE FOR JOURSELF WHAT will DOUGLAS BOSWELL, Punnet at Western. Holly 3018.

FOR MAT.E- room modern bungalow. binck from hich school Price $0850. $1000 cash, balance like rent. Owner will sacrifice for $17,000 bla brautiful 10-room home, altuated in Went Holly wood's most excludisa sectiod. street completely with residences This placo well 000.

E-mom atucon, north of boolerard; mahogans and ivory fine lawn and abrubbers Price $2000 below cost. $2000 will 1 handle G-room colonial 1324 Fuller ATe A11 Jorge rooms tile bath and wink, built in frature3 and hardwood doors. Lot 50g 153. Comer lot, 00x142, unrestricted, $2000. Northwest corner of Sirta and Franklin are tho new moning law makes this the Onet the lot in Hollywood, l'or above buss and ralues, Call Holly 2F0 or 6750 ond Bird FOR Now nrar shire Country (inh Moderately nrired Murat br scen to be appreciated English stele, ntucco Hardwood Moore throughout.

Roller foo- furnace, liringronm 10x32, Cathedral ceiling. 140 walls, 2 lights. 1g dining old brautifully papered, 1x In frory. 4 closets, for Holmes hed 14 linen clort in hall (nique tile hath, Ahower. Kitchen eunineled Tie wink.

Mans cupboards, breakfast nonk La back porch automatic unter beater, tub, etc Danble solid cement drive lawn In front track shrubs Owner, 817 EL CHATRO Phone Hollywood FOR SALE BARGAIN NEW SPANISIT BUNGALOW. 85750. Modern, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, Two south of Santa Monica Bird, on Virgil Fine Traldential section Two blacks from University. Inspect it then call Owner, KAVARY Phone 007855. 5444 Tollewnnd Bird FOR ONE MENCK NORTH OF HOLLAWOOD BLYD.

The best buy In Hollywood, and north of lollywood Bird too Now plaster bungalow with lATHE 11 breakfast nook, tile bath and sink, all hest quality hardwood. goud lot with double garaze Owner met and will also sell furnished. This bauso reduced for quick selling. SORTON 4 BUNCH AGOG Hollywood Bird FOR SALE- OWNER 10 LOTS. WEST HOLLYWOOD Centrally 26 PER CENT BELOW ADJOINING Property.

Alan CORNER IN SOUTHWEST FINT. COURT OIL FLAT SITE, And 61200 lot Echo Park. A. RONN 437 Con nity B.dg Ofc G2570 Res 57453 FOR SALENEAR HOLLYWOOD HIGH SCHOOL JOU NETFR FOUND SCCH A BARGAIN, Fine room bungles, 3 bedroom and serrirs porch. Large lat WIG COSIES FIRST I Only 85500.

Terms. JANISON. PHONE 01401 314 Hollingsworth Wide. FOR MANITON STRECE 6 room bungalow, forner home of one of our Dent bullders. Leer; room spells comfort.

Glassed in 807. parlor Unusual cement work, Easy walking distance from Gardner on 1 FU tors Price $10,000 withont extra lot, $9000, ANTHER 11 Sola Agent, Hollywood and Drea FOR SALE GOOD in this new Span ne 5 room: bungalow on a lot 60x150, on fine street and convenient 10 cars, in Nest Holly nuod Two bedrooms and breakfast nook, tile bath, hardwood floors, lawn and shrubbery. I'rice 5500, terms. LEWIS WOOD, Holler 0507. 8001 Sunwet Bird FOR $1550 $1000 TILL MI4ADLE Nice 4-roomt bung with aleening porch In tho foothills of Holly wood view and pleasant surroundings, shrubs and lawn Int 531150 A sriont, 4807 Hollywood 1310 Vermont.

TAR731 600609 FOR SALE Are in tho market for the heat bus on Sunst Bird Finn for stores. fats and apartinente, loft together facing on Sunset and other treets 1. consider this bargain the price and For information call Sin Able nith the BOWLES 2549 or HOLLY 2020 ron aL: SALE New bungalow Hand colonial. painted STUCCO, rations, very artletie: Incated at NAW ST. Dentiful Los eliz Tract Open for inspection except Funday Price $10,000 FOR SALE- and A Bungalow, rooms, lot 50x150 lots of fruit trees, high school 33550.

$2300 CAMI 112 Cadden Place. Eee owner at 1205 ILNE 6:5075 row lot. Ceotral Nor 33 wood, 82200 6.00 Hollywood SOUTON mied 517455 FOR F4LF-Beautiful Lol on Hobart Red between Fonntala 39010 will trade on larger betwern Urd on Oxford. Serrano or Hobart. ITZ.

Hollywood Ta FOR bungalow. with heart of Holly wood, latte lot, 19 bearing! fruit trees, crapes, strawberries. etc Phone Owner. 505784 for ap pointment No agents Full Beaut foot hill tot Serrano near Los Fella, $3000 $100 than adjoining lot. OWNER, Holly 4748 10 LET Brand new corner ant southeast exposure, tent $75, with garage Comer of Tamarind and Fountain ATe, HOLLY 5:57 FOR catate business on nice comer neAr Ire dietrict Apply 4001 'MONICA BLA.

corner dermont PR 111323 ROUD 11 IFAITI CO. 7034 LA 11.000 HIND FOR SALE SEE THIS HANGAIN SURE once Golds Fut. 5-toom bungalow to Cali at 1514 WINTER AVE INDY COURT 9 unit completed near room fer 4 unAs, offer pending DON income ROT FOR bird, for Fill Mock off Hollywood of between Vermont and think 4057 It On'y whod 12 Come early. linly SALE wood rnet rooms, with modern vractically VINTON CHRISTIRacine Mutual Lien 2. FOR LISTER TO MI.

tile rm colonial, tile bed routs, hive fours. bath, ent beater: cash, SORM4 FoRT abure -Beautiful 14 un Bri I Co Inrotue 1069 Metipura 1.8 PALE-: 3 Ict. fo WOOD BLID Either TOR D5 Ar $13,350 19,0 BRINE Sol lone FOR LOOSE TERM FEALL CASH RAA-0S MILE 1219 ORANGE CHOWE HOLLA WOOD. FOIL RATE LOT9. $300 DIn LOTS.

$125 LOTS $150. WIG LOTS, $875, LOTS, $100 LOTS, $425. Thre are wholesalo prices rect NO from the SUBDIVISION none to PROFITS. yum. Prices Includo graded, olled atreeta and a city water mains 10 tho streets, EASY TERMS.

AB low $30 can and $10 montli, wbich Includes the interest. FIVECENT CAR LINE. MINUTES OUT. IN CITY, WELL DRAINED HIGH ABOVE THE why buy outside city limits and mite off car ilno and pay more too! Conalder thirse facia. Buy fu tho city, build temporary home nOW.

"STOP paying 1s our slogan, let It be yours, LoGs TAKE E4OLA ROCK CITY CENT CAT LIND ON BROADWAY TO W. AVENGE 33 AND OFF AT ILLU TRACT OFFICE, on PHONE BROADWAY 1213. HEAD CLEMENTS. BIT DOUGLAS JILDO POI BALL 00x140, ON VERY EASY TERMS 18 minutes from city, 1 block from car line Schools, stores and theater within walking distance and building rostrictions: alt 1m- and proremente in and Take pald for, Reach Gas. water electricity Lung or Pedro car to Wafts.

walk block want tu LOTS or drire out Compton are. to Tract Once, corner Alain at and Compton Watt. cal nules from city Agent on tract dally, TATUS. Realtor. Main 038 Mer Sal Rk Hide 13107 FOR RILE 1 MO 11 SQUARE Noir bounce starting every day.

activity in the rity, There 1A 0 Trason. Wise investore know that reason. Flare you Investigated A four Into, high and aightly, still to bad Atto $2050 Sowers, water, electricity 'and street Improvements all in and for Take W. 11th rt car on Amadway, Get off Hurck st in front of tract Or drive one fishire to Windsor Bird. go south to 9th then half block west.


HILL. 10745, FOR SALE 13 MOUNTAIN VIEW LOTS. In tha new Dulnhom*o home court tract, ror Lemon GraTe And Oxford are. stricter to All improrements. Don't buy A tot until you see there, One block Western AVG Sals starts Sunday, Oct Office, 000 N.



BLED AT MASTERN AVE FOR SALEL'arstricted lot. 70x70 ft Fine for a double bungalow or two 5 room bungalows close to 10th st car line. Clove grade school (lose to now bish school. When cuhway la atartei this Int will be worth $5000 P'rice $2400 OTTO, 1450 W. Washington FOR SALEMESTLAKE BUNGALOW rotat oft FLAT FITZ $5000, TER PARK.

CALL SIR KLARQI 14T, 50385 KELIS GRANT. 56302 REALTORS WIL 2064. ALVD AT, WISTFUN AVE FOR SALEWILSHIRE CORNER, 64x150 Northrant corner Flace and Third het hur in this district, Call Sir. 58385 KEILA GRANT, 56302 REALTORS 56385. NILSTIRE BLVD AT WESTFRY AVF FOIL SALE 02ND HOOVER 14 LOTS.



A. High Rehool 1a bigh-claw residential district High view Call 811. 50 OTT, 10345 or Wu 2001 FOR MALE A BEAT. 100 ft an Crenshaw, pared ALrret, between Moo and Waahlagton Bird, Come quick. RUNKLE.

SOLD AGENT, PICO NEAR HOBART FOR SALE lot sultable for ot double asphals pared close to 54th and Weatern, to let 81325 Terina. Apply 1820 W. 64TH FT Vermont 2050 Phone Holly 5005 RANGAIN, CORNER OF FIGLI NOA AT S7TH LOT ONLY FOUC0 FIGUFROA 289051 FOr Comer bungalow court site, $5300, in the heart of Manual Arta nection, on car line and two paved streets, 80th and Apply 4152 Budlong ate, phone TOND, Vermont 2062 FOR SALE FACARE Buckingham Road ur $1000 pear lashinaton Wellington Drive Road near Victoria DeAr Washington, Call 310 WESTERN AVE FOR SALE SOT CHANCE to bent this hargain, only $1150, cast front lot 42x152, pared street near 52nd Western, only $1150 Terms Apply 18.0 HT West 4750 SALE ONE GRAND OUT. 100x150 unrestricted. On Harvard, between Jefferson and Adama WATKINS or CROWD, Faclusho Agents, 720 W.

jet. FOR LOT. 50x135. on Price $3650, $2000 cash handles, CALL 12004 FOR SALE Rare nite, southwest. for fine residence, 105x270 Two atrer! frontages, winding paths, trees, shrubbery, rock And rustic work, etc M.

410 BUl LARD Phone FOR double bungalow lot Normandie near BAnd cast front. desirable location, aLso corner 00 Good terms owner. 6317 8. VERMONT FOn STLENortheast comer lat 141 frontage on ten, by 120 frontage on This is snap at $11000. CHRISTI REALTY 'CO 4614 Moneta FOR LOT.

60x150, en S. Commonwealth Price $7701 Close to Hellot rope car line. CALL 49004 FOR 8. 0 And 10, Rock 3 Tortionwald Tract, No one birck north al Ternando fond on Ate 30. Agents note $1000 each.

$050 separately. STEVENSON. 512 Title Ins FOIL and st corDer let. by owner Address WM. CARLETOV.

621 Antional Bank Los Angeles, Phone Piro 82 FOR Aspbalt pared atreet, near band and Western rower, etc. Apply 1820 W. BATIL ST. emont 205u. Freuings Holly 5003 FOR lots on CAlMS between Pico and 10th 8950 to $1250.

ears terint. W. PIERCE. 809 Hibernian BIdE Phone 12323 FOR PALE cHa loan you money to buy lot or build bome. CALIFORNIA REALLY INVESTMENT co 13154.

610 Ride 51:40 FOR SILE-DY ON VER. Fine busineas lot, close in. Chance for speculation. 500 WEstaY RORENTS BLDG FOR corner lot with lawn. stricted.

A blocks from Ilich 170. $2500 cash 1107 VICTORIA AVE 78005 FOR HALF Vermont near Ur Minest location in Los Anceles for morInc picture theater: Jot Ownor. 1r 911A 1134 Vermont FOR SALE Dr. 8. 60x 149, 42000.




FOIL BATE WEST HOLLYWOOD LATE. $1850 -Lot 50: 130, sacrince. $1475-Lot 60x140, cany terms. $1500 cary ferina, Lots Lots, $2500- 00x197, excellent location. $3500- high rent district.

Builders, Attention, 10 lots $1500 earh, worth $2000, Fast -selling location. Cary ferrua 7500 BIND. Phons 37148 or 876914. (hen sunday FOR hALE NEW WILBHINE COUNTRY CLUB TILACT Beat cement paring: 4 ornamental light, lots with Ona view. And good surroundings, for $2500, troductury price, TIFF REALTT cO.

Tract office al and Vise, Phone Holly. 6321. FOR SALECLOSE TO WINDROR EQUATE. 60X150 RESTRICTED HIRE BARGAIN, $2000 Nigh ground near A. fligh School.

Call Sir. hlurquint, 50345 KELLS GRANT. 56302, 11 2004. WILAIRE DIVO. AT WESTERLY AVE FOR SALE LOTH LOTS, LOTS.

lots on, paved strert, all in and paid, ranging In price from $1000 In vicinity of em most desirable section in A. Also many lo's on Western are $4500 SPAHRY WALLING, 5400 Western ate. FOR SALE NO PAYMENT DOWN, EPECIAL PI LARGE ILDICE JADE LOT. $800. Highland Park do not- nerd the cash and will set 3011 abore Jot for $10 per rary how and alloy al.

Here is REAL 00- portunity In STOP vour hard earned money. In the landlord me today GOO MINERSIAN 4th and 9rring POR cie: ing from Angeles to the trart non rady Washington Died. near Ince studio, this la Smir to buy on one of the coming at frets. Stop at little red tract once on Washington Culver for Into In new tract FOR SALE PUF-OPENINO TALE MATS STREET PARK. CL LOT.

810 PER MONTH This la your oprortunity to get the cholee of the we Inta hefore opening sale: tale Moneta ate car to Manchester walk cart to Main or drive south on Vain to FOR FALE- NORTH RESTRICTED LOT 50 It frontage, One for double bungalow or duplex. $2400. This win not last lonz. quick. Cell 110 Holly 000 WESTERN AVE FOR SALE $25 Tat in Park: ter, electricity and pinewuke in cicio to gtaren and bernt yellow car Bare Temporary buildings allowed Cheapest Int In district OWNER Phone 00195 West 589 FOR PALELINOTON BARGAIN.

60-ft lot. lean than 400 ft from Wash. ington Nice neighborhood. worth $3000 C. L.

OTTO, 4150 W. Washington FOR SALE BY Ow nor. 1121 Wall, Improved 111 55x139 1917 0th. 52x150 15,100 This property must be solit to einsc ratate Onper, 315 9 WTSTERN. Wu 4474 FOR RACE LOt West Adams MOL Restricted area.

$1150 wIll handle 11 talen Dow Owner leaving city. 120 27 4T 17 4198 FOR SALE -Beridence lot, southwest. 1500 2121 FANTA BARBAILA FOR or 60x150. $3000 Call 813 WESTFRY FOR FATE LOT with garage on Colo Rock $1100 R22 9 FLOWER ST FOR SOLE MA NES9. $4500.

4501 WESTERN AVE. APARTMENT, FLAT Property. For Bulo and Exchange, FOR BALLFOUR-FAMILY FLAT DIDO, ONLT $14.600. Worth $1R 000 Beat rental district la dts. $6000 caab bandie.

MI JAMISON, Phone 61401 312 Hollinzworth Mag FOR HALE- Wanted: responsible and rellable person to take a half-interest in bullding dat which will rent for $400 per month. Your half-Interest quire payment down of $3100, No further payment will be necessary and the building, when completed, will roll at of $4000 Write mo letter and let mo call and esplain fully I F. TOY. 740 South Bonnle Dese st, Los seles. FOR SALE--APARTMENT PROPERTT.

$18.000 CARIT VICINITY OF FICUERO ANTI TENTH STA 10 ROOM9 COMPLETELY FURNISHED. PHONE OWNED, WIL. FOR SALE MY Wet Adama duplex, 2 room flats, furnished $0500. $2500 casb. lot 50x155 Call crek.

43084 IF 24TH, Main 1175 BUSINESS Property for Sale. FOR 000 TWO STORY BRICK BUILDINGS. STORES, CORNER LOCATION. 85 ft. on Pacino Bird the only available cornet frontage To Huntlocton Park Localed in the exact business center Ground value $20,000 Income cL present low rentals, returns put coot On ment For full particular call ALLEN CRO- SIN Realtors, N.


WILSON. MODART RIVD. OWNER FOR BALLNAVE DUSINERS LOT on Metrosa one from 50x130; 84000, hall cash FOR QLICK SALE. Call RT I 5721 FOR FALE Central Are. two brick.

to 710 Merchant 2 frame 185 ft. each strcet by 107 000. 1-3' cash Licar property. Don't dis turb tenants C. I.

RANSOM, 8200 Compton Ate FUR SILF-On Tico at. business lot at 1014 prices, near West-: ern ATC, Storer will rent at once. DUNKLE. Pico near Hobart. 71275 FOIL bus.

new on Holly woud 3. storfrooma. anti abo re Inconie $3720 will accent Tacant on Gib. 7th OT 8th to $10 00 mortgege $7000. bal.

cash A. DEN60 1530-A Hollywond Bivi FOR BALE GRAND AVE GRAND AVE. For Sale No 8. Grand Look It! 87x10611 No Aner money maker in the city. $100.000 nat Phone OWNER 12204 FOR SALE A business property In 156 heart of the businert from section of Glendale, less than 200 feet Brand J.

E. 143 Brand, Glendale. Cal FOR SALE stole, stock and residence (in be SEeD At 1180 24TH AT On ner FOR Tico, will marrince to clove ratate Rest bus on AR. HOLGIANO, 315 S. Western are FOR Tiring TODICA Tear, good business Jocation, 248.

$9200, $5000 cash, $40 mo WIL INDUSTRIAL, PROPERTYFor Sale sad Fachsace. FOR SALE 80,000 with trackage. WORKS, 20.000 vi MADSEN IRON FOIL HALE -WENT WARNINGTON. hure Are adrancing steadily and rapidly, you didn't LOL In D11 Wastern don't orerlook Washing. ton at.

1 are offering magnincent nos Atrictly brick afore soil dat building. 4 ALone beloir nincent apartinenta above. The apart. menta are strictly modern In every WR). Mahouany trim, tIlo bathe, wall bods, ranges and refrigeratora in each.

The stores are teased for Junta und thin are all rented. The present Income will -10 per cont net on the Surestnirht. The price Ja only 834,000, and el ere $12,000 ot that on Cage At 7 par cent, with nearly 3 Jut to min. In our opinion. $80,000 for this propurty will look cheap in very few months' tine.

C. P. RMITIE SYNDICATE. 1005 Bide, I'hone FOR In omer to cimme an estate will sell bargain business known Los Angeles it. This property bringina in bi return 104 must be wold Agents take notice Mione P'ico 3020 Exerutor of Krata Western Mutual Angeles FOIL HACIE Price $8500 Double Bungalow, Price $8500.

$2000 dido, Handles. 0 rooms each hard want noors and feature, garages; Jot. CALI, 02004 HATH rant net. brick Inc tenant, reut binall casts trade PARKERL 010 S. Croadwas, FOIL RATE CONSER ON VERSIONT.

Fine brick, boliding. Four stores. ale apta The best truy Income Vermont per annum. on are, PHONE 20105 con Sew 7 Tamily Tat. modern mi.

rage. lot 00:170. MUNCO for bungalow court. Hicait of $100 Income to cite it away. nred the 16,00 takes it.

$4000 4815 MONETA FOR furnished, MALE- on one located N.W. In restricted trick Incumo 30 per cent 0D PARY terink for $8500 rash, Good Investment to revell. For particulars "'bone 4794. FOR MALE New Wilbire duplex dat on 70 font near. Destom are Right up to the minute.

Income $9150 Price 000: MIR, 15168 or MI RUBEN. roll Lose In. Oil and Trueton, lot 9 and arm, housed lera, aplendid income. Price 50500. down.

Lot alono worth more than this. 1483 W. OTH ST. FOR FACE- of Elat house, gantly and completdly furnished, tundern banding. all bardwoud noors Income me, and TOIT.

So 1gen'i 4010 LeAP TOIL SAL Deal sacrince. 3 pury apt. buikling. walking distance, SHO per $10 000 under JONES, 130 Recurits fide. 41 FOIL MALL- will 000 Income property, 633.

4 LI. ALE ON SUB FOR to warily Improfal w. and OSTI, 108 Court at. 13183, SUBURBAN Property for Sale. rot would you like ranch in the cliz.

with new plasteird bungalow on it Here la the Ideal bone Jou Lave been looking for, Hollywood way. Only 15 m'nutes from Tula and Broadway Scarly ass APTR nf walout and old atiado trees frobung on 2 streets learing fruit, new, crictly roodern. elmiricity water. roomy Wil': date In all Tile bath and clot cement porih. garage.

You would be prand of th'1 horse place, any time Only The beet hay In the citr For terns and pa phone OWNER. ET FOIL RULE ON EXCHANGE MELL-LOCATrO 4-ArRE (CU BE DIVIDED 401 BEARISO FRUIT THEFS. ALL 19 RET OF MODERN 6-ROOSE BUNGALOW. WILL FACH4NGE FOR ANGELE9 PLAT BUILDING APARTMENT HOLSD OR GOOD BIN GALOW. COITHLAND CORP FUR FALL Genuine bargain for bome PHONE 418 ACTES, about equally diride! 1: and leipons old California house.

largo adche bam. paved ste, 3 Pretr'etr and miradid wale system, br brantiful home in Oat Knoll district mate din $1000 Jett arre than 1 FOIL arra with plenty fruit, Gervom attirtis modern bunt electricity, Ideal place at Tight price: Pral Additional acre adjuminz 1 wantal ItAL. 10. A -tnry luide FOIL TALOn addition pieces adirr tised bave others 1 to 20 artel, improved and same district. bare re aided past 11 rears in this section 00 age; valuable advice to brainners in poaltry rating.

lots or failure. ARZROPE AFALTY 04050. 6th Liny 221 Story Hide. TOR -ALE AND POULTEN WALSIT, ORASER AND FRUIT GROVES AND IMPROVED DE AUTIFUL LAN GABRIEL VALLPY. 1S SPECIALIZED FOR 1 EARS FEE MIL MEALTY PRONE 0774 418 5 TIL SE all 0L50 LOW 15500, Relect eight m'pe mil Poor street, double CaTe.r: Burro arre 101 CO 414 FOIL actes, form plenty full bearing fruit, outbuildings.

An Ate boulerned. buy, priced Very Arcadia diatrict electrets. REALTY 10. 64061 4th 4 ndt. 2.43 W.

Story 101 lg FOR MALF-5. 10 and trots with water, ou boulerard. close to Los 5 Angeles, year excellent toll 1-4 Far DE Call owner. FOR ACREA, Fan Gabriel Taller. kr.ow VALLES.

HARVEY WOLF. 701 Delta DiCe. Arcadia. ron Hire SALE- ares, new own, laying chicken hour. 60134, ranch.

1424 how home, $000 hers choice netr, moderd, Aro-room 'colcalal burg low, 23x37. Complete, prontable chicken mn-h. home. $17,500 04:430, on Arcadia's Soot unmer, and tLing, T-rooma Swiss chalet. Primed to terror 1) a CATTICANT, Owner.

4th and Duarto Nord Alhambra FOR BALE -Acre lot in good location, right In town orangra and 40:210 on It: and will subdivide Into 5 carb This A rurcial bargain at part cast THOMAS ACTON CO Corner Alain and Carteld, Alhambra FOR Beautiful T-room bungalow Ta good location, class inclused 75:110: weeping perch, with all kinds of bite fruit, duuble gArage: this breakfast room, Int, Is a genuine bargain at 50300 Tau's desired. THOS ANTON Corner Main and Cartel FOR SALE dandr 5 rootd bungalow, east racellent front, Incation, carnge, alen 85250. 8500 down. retaining bungalow and garage, ire 6-com atucro 50x170, for these and other good buss GLIDDEN POWEROT, 110 W. Main rt, Alhambra.

204. FOIL SALE GIVE ME 2 will SOTICE and I will And the home 011 A. SMITH Rare Start Ton. Phone HAD new bungalow, a to 53400 Oak 0 Knoll P. car line BALDWIN CO, 10G Swell little tome Main st Phone US Baldwin Park.

TO -BALDWIN PARK, bungalow. garage. plenty fruit. HOLLYWOOD fenced, blocks 140. Burbank.

FOR SALE-19 Prico AcTer, 5050 Ideal location for! per ache. terms $400 per acre. Terms. 1-4 acre poultry ranch, 5-room house minder. equipment for 1500 bens fruit tree Price 21500 151 Can Fernando CO 'Burbank, FRANK MELINE Engle Rock.

FOR SALE -Beautiful bungalow home, of cl FOOMA, an one of the nnest atreeta amidst! lorely homes and gardens, very low price.r with terms. Call GARVANZA 2113. Inglewood. FOR mod. bouse, furnished.

blocks car. nice atreet. nne furnitore large Tictrola, all for $3100, $1300 wl handle hall $2600. acre, $1200 h-rm. down.

house, younz frul: treca, acro rm. bouse. 85 bearing foul trees, all kinds grapes, large quantit: hick berries, nod, EATERS. house room for 800 hens, $8000, $3000 down Get off aL Queen 1 bik Masons! 11k 102-1-2 COMMERCIAL ST. Inclei wood NYHART SARIS, Phone FOR Special pm farm Incair.

One acre. good 0-soom houte, bath. mote mk, partly equip 1000 bent or more, broader bouse Anest soil, fenced. blurk yellow cAl' Dayts. HAUTE Closed 81000 bal CoME E.

st. Sunday. FOR SALE One AcrE. house, TO fruit Ecata. Price only $4160, terris This ran 15 to Ane Ircation: clone to cAr line HART.

240 Commercial. below For Phone 35..

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.