The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

any Opportunities for Employment Are Listed on This Page. CHIROPODISTS 46 GOLD WANTEO 53 POSITIONS WANTED 28 46 GOLD WANTED 00 EMPLOYMENT FOR W0MEN169 TRADE SCHOOLS 172 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES San Francisco Rial Estate S.F. EXAMINER 29 Saturday, May 12. im By Men BOTH FEET TREATED. $1.

DR. PRF.S8ER, lat rlata HAK just been appointed Calif, agt. Ho mn For Sala one who ran 3H17 Chestnut. iRBrS roUERJY 100a Market, ilA. H4MI also dn repair log, ACCOL'XTAXT.

collega grad BOTH rt treated carefully. $1 8U. 'A Richmond Dist, Real Estati 4.H'U ur paaniei yu Ma run uate. At exp. any detail, mfa.

or ntherwiae, local or outside: moderate salary. OVerland M38. Tw aehoola In 8. Late acien- tllle eonlpment. expert Instructors, MODERN BARBER COLLEGES 60 6lh at.

or 311 Srd tt. for one the oldest and most reUahir Kentucky Distilleries. Wonderful line STRAIGHT ROURRON WHISKEY. Want reliable responsible, distributor. Will be In San Franclaco Monday and May 14 and 1ft fr interviews.

Address Box 43161. F. va nil ne DENTISTS so AHCHITECTL'RAL and const ructlona" Something Pretty? Drive to 1S50 Aiemany see a group of newly completed A rm. homes. Mod.

In every detail; re-sincted dtnt. Pricea amazingly low. OPEN DAILY MISSION WARM BELT MEN WANTED to trafn for Diesel manager: nigniy rei-ommanded: it-sire position. Box Ex. OLD GOLD WPTING SCHEDl'LE.

per dwt or 00 oa. ki VI per dwt or oa JO Mi 1 45 per dwt or lrloa. IHkH .3 1 per dwt or 35 o. n': wr dwt or 4 1 oa. 13 kfi' 875 per dwt or Less a nominal handling fee.

SHOE (Uteri, axp. on power machlnea. Apply 8at. morning only. Ilucking-ham Hacht, 1600 Va lencla.

WK hava an opening for a ynuna girl who can tactfully sell over the telephone. If you can ..11 and have a tdeaajng voice you mav do. Answer, Hox 435Qg. Examiner. WOMAN, atronu care for Invalid: eood home: 35 stale aae.

ref. Hnx 438i8, Exam i EX PER TEN ED aalesfady for rns- REPAIR plates. 3 hnura, SI Dr IF YOU have $11,500. and wish an Feimnan niUUHrrtn atriiimote jona. worn out part tuition at Toe nr.

Pay part after employed. Call, write. Dieael Power Engineering tnh f. V. ALTO mechanic, body, fender expert i-wn ioois: very rem.

MArket down. full uric. BI'NGALOWS "4 534 3Bth 45.1-1 Californ a near th ave 607 5th av. .1 or ca, In fa ran: prir -14 nnr) "'n cor rai.forn, REbTPENCE rs 2 tite bTVh7 ti kitchen, larr. -T, pnn.

rlne view: susno ak OPEN St-Tr. av." Al'TO MECHANIC, lanition expert MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 31 PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL as wired income of buy a half interest In a coin businean. which, due to rantd expansion, needs a man with executive ability i atbnr than monev. White, rnllard.

pnona Mission I4iin. 1111 4th at. otfera wonderful opportunity to lesvn barber trade. sun Pr, Cottaue in good condition nr. 2-Hth-Minsion.

1. 1 cpa nl i il2 -0M UbinW, ST. FRANCIS WOOD orpoRTt'Nm' at No. 2tt San Buena Ventura. 958 Market nr.

Turk BAKERT ahipping clerk, bwiTteepTna nietica department of peninsula Fred T. Wood. 17U Franklin i yc-ara paatry co*ck, box f.KU, Ex ajni ner. SELL your oM unlit tn the luraest store, if. ladd.

tiurllnijame. Oakland. 72 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES refinery In S. K. Weatern lioia BAnTENPER.

exo on all fancy rock- COMMOi miiK PHARMAty. 811 I'lloa Works. Rrvant si. est Porial District, for sale talla; ao anywhere: club or hotal. pox 4-107M.

Examiner. WOMAN, care for invalid during day. TEmplebar 0IHHL Ph. Sunday only L1HHT little cooking, girl xch. board.

WA. 84M. Owner willing to give trial and sell mcrtgagee offers at a low foreclosure pnee this exquisite "Ppanish typf" reeideme of 4 hedrms. and 3 baths; like new; oil burner, Upen tort ay YMCK. TERMS" at mvnpe the nlscp tn build 47 HARDWOOD FLOORS BARTENDER, club exp will (0 any UP fUlPih" lionnr trstle Sen ivp! where.

Hnx 41 tins. Oak. it store or M. Samuel. 4 1 Sutter st Buys OLDTjOLD JEWELRY BCTCHER.

H4 50 wk NRA ELiXiRS machine cleaned, bleached Small home, unfmnhed but livaHe. 61 Employment Agencies Of ncbool SICKNESS tlcmands sale store at 1 1 ,14 A Pine minimum waaes. Hnx n8i7o. Ex. stains removed, refintsh.

wax pol Ownr insurance. $7(1 ished. riustless sandtna. evp. white BPTLER.

Filinino. exp. rook: aarden: SPACE for (tptometnst. good Incalinn 4.rri Powell at. houwboy: mil.

anywhere, he no4i Saleslady, corsets jih wk SCOFIELP AC.ENCY. MHI Market neio. best material mtd. your own terms MArket 44l'0. CARETAKER or Janitor.

Ma CO)K. family. Mil; mother'a helper FLIK1RS aanded and finished, clean. 17 -5ti iL N. E. AstsT 111 500 AllBBJt trti F- a PAVI? tj D' yv Stsam Heated Plzti IVCOME 5115 price Two -rm. beat vii-' Call MR ST' R'-v J500 Balance Lka rent for i a rot. home in f.jlt poo Tf-- OPL'N 1040 B.i:-m r-' 13fo FFXSTOX AVE HOME Joo 3 Hrm.i., one of prettiest in large rms condition; prvd fr below r-al valu DAVIS Di iarv m- MEDICAL AUTHORITIES AUREK Laboratory tibts are a tremendous aid to the accurate diagnosis and to ascertain the cause of mobt illness. Heretofore the expanse has ben ao great that a great many people have not been jble to bae the advantaaea ot labiatnrv tests We will make a Waterman 01 Kahn. Bloodcount.

Urinalysis. Bae. tenal alule. and a complete phsi-cal examination ALL FOR $BM Thousands of conservative people In I'. K.

have check-ups of at least four laboratory tests and a phvsiral eiiiminatinn annuallv. Whv not you? FRANCISCO CLINICAL LABORATORIES Charles R. Wright. P. Medical Director.

Suite SOO-SIS lt Young hldz. (no Market at.) HOURS 9 a. m. to 8 (18 YEARS SAME APPRESS1 Reasonable fres for treatments' consultation free. Pial station "KTA 1 :,10 P.

m. each dav ex-rent Sunday. WEEK AO) 3 BUSINESS WANTEO yyfl National Acy 103(1 Market lurnifibM: move neht in watpr. pahts; nr schools, atores. etr; down.

month, 15 mm from Market st. ANN1S, Brisbane- KAndojph lj402. Knglish type home of -seven runnv rooms: cathedral livirur room, gai furnace, attractive rear garden, sunny exposure, distinctive Owner must sell. Phone appoint ins; Binnle. ex-service man.

for-mr scoutmaster: Im-al references Hon I 8. Examiner. nieacn wax polish: tlalna removed: best materials used: en whua helo ies. r.S'derhlll H14H casualty exp. $S5 COMMERCIAL 08 Poat St.

CASH huvcrs on hand, list your bust CARETAKER, carpenter tanitor. or on a IbasJs off FLOORS laid, sanded, refinlshed. roa- ness with a iv office and START i.1 1 1 anil STO what: bv mtddle-acei nian sincle: anywhere C511 Churchy takland Executive Personnel. (188 Market PACKING. FIDELITY REALTY IIS3 Market, suite HE.

M.Vil Slra. Jlary Patterson. H5S First ihine cleaned: stains remeyad. ble.nb. wrv polbh: work mar.

FJ.OOR SERVICE HEm R8H5 CARETAKER; reliable; lef. KEMP Agency, tiSt Market, rm. H41 Pox 41H14. Oakland. i WANTKP to loaeo from owner, good Cannier, part time, un.icr a venue.

Oakland, had been trying HARDWOOD clean, bleach, wax pol Al. or handy CAHPKXTEll. man CCK1K. housework, $0tl; mother'a help ish: windows, lne We can rtmove references. RAndolph 8806.

er. California. ANY itain. Fillmore RO.lfl. ment.

Ay 4 7.TJ S'jH ave. BEST RCNCALOW BARGAIN. S2 P. SO. like nw 5 tile hath furnace.

stuco. rance for 3 ears ta rden. marine view. This won't last CUER1X. 6ti0 Irvine.

OV. 2 200; CARPENTER, cabinetmaker Al. fast worker: references. OVer. d531 SHIRLEY Floor fret est.

mate, all to find someone to lease her hotel. She had even tried Examiner Want Ada. V2 pranches: your terms RA. 104H.I. Saleswoman, Agents CHAI'KKEIR or mechanic, experi auto court in Central or Northern Calif.

Box 4'ILIfi. Examiner TO IN VEST" and In bar, lunchroom, amwhere. or part-ner: no agotit*. Box 1 HO, Ex. STliRES, garages, gas slatlons needed for cash buyers.

ORd. Olid. TAYLOR STREET. ROOM 304 FACTORY fully equipped to do contract wk on cotton garments. TRinidad Oakland.

VYAXTED Woman between 30 and JORDAN FARK. Beautiful 7 rm sunrm detached bungalow, 3 bed-o-is tile bath; S-car garage: garl.iv modern; bar-gam. Key 1 enced; so anywhere; ref. Box 41JIH. Ex.

ROOFING DR. ABBOTT 703 Market 10 to 5 HOME of ft rma. 2 baths, 2 car 40. for advertising ci'ew: by na tional concern: salary; must leaye CHAl'l'I'ELR, Japiineaa, oyer 10 Examlnatlona, Laboratory testa tell Blood skin, eland conditions, piles rectal diseaae. bladder, no knife yrs.

ref. Fred, rill. WUH. Then, ona day, in walked a man FOR curt, leak renalra. 52; new roofa El NGALOW ADI SEA CLIFF.

cuy. Apply 1:1 Cernto 3.0 Turk apL B07. between 1 and S. Harare; modern in every detail; 222 Yerba Ruena St. Francis Wood.

Rank loan 000. Price Sft lloO. Walter E. ltaipht GAr. 4438.

Open for inspect lop Fill. A.ibH Kapy terms. Insurance. CHAlKFErR. white, expert driver- ALL Ailments.

Blood BlRdder. ete. No 35 ft. living rm. parquet floors, tl bath- kev lot; nice garden Mr S'urck.

EV (1400 PEMONSTKATUK for food product Al ref a. Mr. lMMwUa 0' knife. rr Blumherg 3-0 Market who had read her ad FIX WEEKS AGO. Ha had lost the paper; then TO sell HI SINENSES see H'BECK'S 50 POSITIONS WANTEO CHACFKELR white.

37. lisht work. 3 moes Gold Value Beauty Value Antique Value Califciaas TOU COl'LD EE By Milfoils 1Kst.Jl.l2rs. 003 Pacific S.F 30 to 3h year; must be neat, i alt oRdway MUHi. local 40M.

before a. ni. Saturday. SH.OoO: cost owner in excess of a i rook. S40.

found Hox 4.I1QII Ex WANT tn buy or lease auto rami 34 SPECIAL NOTICES By Women CHAl'FEEl'R 38. wants work on MODERN FLTS 5.f5n Siuccn front: r.w furntcef; bank loan- a ral ba'ratn. Rrcwn ot "3 Ges fk 1 1 31 gas sta Box 43So3. Oak 6 WOMEN to introduce REALS1LKS: looked It up and mada final ar-rangemrnta with Mra. Patterson Sunday Al driver: ref 8.tJ.ui'Vj.

APT. house manasrer. middle ase new slocking acnaalioD. Apply tod.v. 35 TATI.OIl ST.

CHA1 PFEI R. 14 yrs. Al Tf'LL CASH VALUE PAID FOR MnliFHV rr its thoroughly competent: AX re- That'a long-range reauila for you 75 APT. HOUSES, HOTELS Furn. and Lease for Sale aubsj hnla or part time.

PR. mechanic; houacworkrers t. o.Ml CHAl FFEl'R. white, expert" dilyer, can furnish excellent refs. OR.

88 7 APT. niannper, full charge evch. C4 EMPLOYMENT FOR MEN married: a-i ref. I. Al'TO camu.

close in. good lease. CHAPPFEI'R, Chinese. 8 yrs. 33-4 3.1rd a-e reeey.

vated. Terms Qoen P-" nr rh M- Hubr WA Sl76 EI XGALCIW. 0 mis sec. rm a buv: onlv 4 3io vUT tern-a Bal- boajrieaUv.l4"4 Rihn, 1Q40. 45TH nr.

Park Fire 5 ra. non Rare bargain Yeetwoot Highlands; 0 social tiled bath, shower, breakfast rm. Reconditioned, like new: gas furnaea; oak trim PEIawnre 1 Mill Baldwin Howell, 10,10 Ocean. $3,500 Modern home, hardwood fbors full basem*nt: linoleum, S'ewlv re-deioiatcl and painted Verv easy leritis. kEY.Jln5KNEV.

WARM PELT Bl'NG A LOW AHOI 3 YEAR? OLD. Price cut to 3.7.SO Fullv detached pioder-n 4 rms. and breakfast rm AND WOMEN APT. nianaser, experience, married: A 1 ref. ownunirorm.

tHLjn i. i.uit 47 ROOM hotel, downtown location, good pavinu proposition, clearing exrhaofic mod 3 rm. apt. OA. 3001 mo.

rent, all modern: ideal for couple, onlv Slot! lull price. Details. Oakland. WF RITY DIAMONDS SILVER CHAI'I'PKi'R, experienced mechanic: $3oO per nionth; low rent. Box JBWELRT SCRAPS.

EMERALDS, ate API. Manager take full COUPEE, must be experienced cook, ret? Kill, CLERICAL work, C.erman and French HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. ZWU.LLXOER. 717 Market. R.

4.00 rung ait mfl 1:1.34 pnea aay chauffeur, butler: salary Ho; refpiencrn. Rnx 4 'JR7 1. Examiner Al TO g.uage partner; honest pirl for front end; small Inv. TAYLOR STREET. ROOM 3lH 00 rms.

new. mod. aols well furn charge: exp. nox41IHH. Oak RAKEIIY SHlesladv, neat snd com oetent be'- rets, rimne 531ft apt .747 silboa rent $7 per $3 500 cash MAN and wife- Id manane apt $C0 correspondenca, bookkeeping, whole sale, export, shippina; hotel pre ferrcd.

Hox 4.1008. Ex. GREATEST HOME BARGAIN. J5 350 BEAI.TY shop and eoulnment com- tncl. rm.

apt. 40HM hal. rmm of house. a pi Market. DO.

11 1 0 FOR TOfTl KCNPAY OUTING "Prive to Varsity Park, barbecue, picnic facilities. dance. camp. Portola Road. .1 miles wont of Menln 111 vrs I'lUllv iiuKtrv- first rtk.s: went work MI ST BE SOLD Make your own By Not Selling en.

verv capable: comi anneiirance Pvntcslailt I 5 TRANSIENT hotel, fine doing Hotel or coin. Menry nititg, iu roo sirictiv moa-n; ideal jrtth av EV. 1491). 6-ROOM home front b'iu'iful yard: lot 35x137: best locaMon ln H-st ai 150 Op.n 771 I 5tr) 66 EMPLOYMENT FOR MEN terms. Key 1008 Valencia at.

Miss .114 1. well; lull oqlv $000. riete or bv po easy terms Onlin SuppIv Co, 441 Sutter DO BEER tincrn; host buy S. Kg new equipment; est. trade; low rent; no reasonable offer refused.

WOO Haight DR. ARTIE MAT GRAHAM, drugless. Linden Oakland CHAMBERMAID wants work in small CHAS. cilNTE. S.10 Market.

R.Oil.'l 11 helpar. Ill', w-hite. axoerl hoici. piiiig. Uiw, room i MM1 FOR EOI1TY.

rtarves. blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis: Swedish asst. His. 0 to 0, 400 Geary, office 502. I'R.

B5R0. bal. breakfas ref a. Hox w.1;, f.x. IP the position mil aeek la not tlaed here.

Inaert an ad under "Pnsi. And assume new bank loan of colored tile baths. Tr. CHAMHERMAID. experienced: local ref.

Miss Johnson. MArket BCTCHER shop, fixtures in; free tent $. K.10. Modern ft rooms, all 05 Snnstt Dist. Rfla! Esliti COOK, linuseboy.

gardener, Filipino: honest; refa, R. 31. TN. Slllfl II1NK1.EY. 810 Market, GOLD bought! 7 fee basis.

mos, jniiton st. tinn Wanted," Many ahtain wnrk hr thla method. The rest la small. COMPANION to lad'' or ppacilea Full price of 31 htkpg. and I Al-E.

fine oavina. for sale in one of jj. racier ii Bona. Bl'J Stockton. bullion brokers 7ft yrs DESIONER.1 shoo foreman men's cloth redecorated, very large lot in Ingle side bik to car ooen today.

1'rhano drive, 1 1 1 A liO "YV RO I lon his nurse, citv or country. Pox Y.x COMPTOMETER, tvpiil. 0 vrs. tin. the best vallevs of the, Stale: deal ins, eastern experience; specialising steady tenants: rent JoO Realty Co 310 Kearny st jjltftO Monthly $35- 6 rm, Stueco hungalow: If MAIL received SI mo.

24 hour nh COAT MAKERS, Al with owner oniv. Box 4M(iri3. 1 amiiicr. At Box Ex service '117 Shrove bide PO. 5.100 iro It1 (r mg- st 141-S.

APTS. and hskpg. Rent Good room mod, bung. Semi-detached; tile balh and kit, ben. Very large rooms WANTED AT ONCE due to strike trouacrs, oercoals and sport coats: modera 'e salary.

Rnx Exam. PRAl'TSMAN-srtlst. oung. mechani ial or archilecMiral: fine lettering Inc. Hcst deal in S.

Eas MAIL received fl; phone service: 21 CAFE Rent $35; owner retiring; sac. Its Weight mn COOKNiJ housework, firft class conditions. I an give eteadv position Perfect condition: Richmond diet JH'ii. Give trial. 3M Steuart.

hr. 41.1 Howard Fids EX 0510 a tcrnnnng. ecs. MArket SUNSET-PARKSIDE DIST. For appointment tn inspect phone lllustintions.

pen and ink. pencil or ANP sinie, excellent ice .1 partly COOlv. good; drlye ear all or part Mr Rais GArf, 4IIOI1, mint maps. etc. Wishes a posi finn.Jh mg jmiis reas.

l.TM 7thao Real Estate time; city rer. WEst iiM 40 CARPET CLEANING to FIRST CLASS men and women WATSON SON 6005 HOLLYWOOD HI. YD. HOLLY WOOD. CM.

IP. COMP1NATHIX steward, sailor. I'ow er aihl. state ep silai'V tion: Ions, varied experience, Hnx ternis. Pelails.

30Si Snt'er nt, HoTEL. clears I.M) mn. Inise; furniture reas. 7 Howard Hol sE ith IK 3-rm. furn ants, for saleAllll cash.

2 (iouch BARGAIN, furnilurc. lease: ants, AS. OT70-. Box 43KK0, Oakland LlGAR stand, dnwntiuvn: good fur CCMiK. housework: Euiopean; 515 Fl LL privp 12 050.

ternis: 6 rm home: and 4 rm. and 2 rm. apt. a ni Examiner. mo.

i5And.ji.iK3. $4 250 Modern 5-rrrj bung. Clou, in. iiar view: Urg" Jot from Market shipper: 33 8x13 rura cleaned. $1.75.

Everaaw DRIVER, truck, packer. Inral reierenies. MA. COOK, youna cvp. rostjiurant and ess furnace 1 nr.

cara hoppin. nark and school P4 Tl'ival )8r nmr Cleaning Co. PEL 5oM I'riiising aoulh shortly. Box 4 Ex MnO nn. No night or suniiay work Busy Pr.

30SJ sutler. CIGAR Store; bcsl loc downtown good for I IS mo. Full pr. $400 Cull 1 rill. 30! ta rnnmj pastry.

SKy, His, DHl'titllST. part or full time; (mall CARPETS, rusr- cleaned, dyed nr PINE. 071 Well turn. ants, ti 3s. 6 Ul'ARPS wanted property protection COtiK.

A-l. for lunohim. or resort salary. Ro 4.11311. Ex.

floor. 1 ni BRISTO. iiRdiy.iv 5533 a lot f3 500: 0 rm colored tile, $4,100 (520 Taraval Hanrain. Anptv helwcen willgo anywhere. MArket 068i.

ELECTRICIANS ipprentlce. 34. Neon strike conditions; gi-a ago. heicht weight, phone miniber. Box 40G17 Fxamitvrt.

CIGAR, BEER; cor. loc; low renl throuffh to next street. RE 842" Km nk O. Renst mm. 21 12 Market FI LL PRICE $2,500 CASH.

Lovely 4-rm. home, furnmhPd complete. Piano. radio, chcterfie)d ft rep! ace: ba sem*n ri rase nce carden. Owner leavmc 0 l2t ieneya.

LUXUItlOCS home, finest cor, Franiia Wood valuable property COOK, hnusewi-rk. Hungarian sin. installations ma i en ii nce am. I ss i no V' 111 43 Dressmaking and Millinery 97 MISSION DIST. Real Estati ilcais month: eas terms.

Ron.M -J 1 JANITOR, clean, elderly man; musl APT. HOUSES, HOTELS to Leasa WA. OJl i i be ti re 13. nfier li C1HIK or ceneral housework. ounk' woman: city ref.

P-Ayview 35Q1, ELiCVATOR operator small S85 CIGAR siore. busy transfer corner. ho hamly witn tools; small salary SMART Gowns. Suits by exp. designer and room.

145, Geary st. 8iul Ant, 44. MOP 5 rni ing Llllll lHiUhtBl. 51 easv teris COI'K, hnusewnrker would like work fitter. GA.

"71. j. Erhart. rm. 1103.

San Bruno ave coat over $40 000: will sell for EN'iilNEEK. marine, retrig. co*kFEIC shoti In San Jose; most at- METAL engraver, experienced In re work ashore, capable vl HOTEL. 33 tn lease sell, Sii.lO: rent $Sii. full si.

6-RM. modern: Silver bungalow; LEARN COSTl'ME DESIGNING. Hazninre. 11711 Market I'N 4170 vising electrotypes; references, uox tractixe; lad' or man; oo0 rcu LI HECK'S, 003 Pacific BldK.i!s. F.

charge of steam plant must sell. offer GA. 0501. Examiner. Hex Kxam.

simp experlenie CliEl'KE shop, Refers to old DISCAP.PEP wntihes. old icrvel. ry. ld rinca. now discarded.

Pental cold BridKew oi k. trinkets chains. cold, tnr-elR. etc. which haye Oold Values to us.

exp. in redwood YARD clerks. 3 1 FINANCIAL good lot a nun near reas. Hox 4.1110, financial dial. 101 EAST BAY REAL ESTATE F.

Box 43l.l:t. Ex. 41 DANCING ACADEMIES 411 nn. from S. KKNDKK, hody, rndmtor ninn, first cIhhs.

r70tjAyaU Oakland. nearly balL EX. 1724. MAKE offer on corner home, nr. 21st and Church.

Aakma insion R-alt t'oniMnv, 2 1 0.1 Mission st Arket 0444 l-'nKEST HILL HALF PRICE Siudio hopic: never nccimied, RnHt to soil Tor around 511.000- ca h. id Ivmk loan tC oy 1212 CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream store. da week orinonlh: EV. 11554.

DICTAPHONE operator, asst. credit, n.lle. li-ms. pxo nart or lull time. Kef.

TEulp. 11317. DRESSMA I N(i tnilorinK, altorinu: work $.1 day; rets. WAInut 15 7. DRESSMAKING, tailoring; Al ret day.

Phone flfiai FlLLN'i and general office work, or It. HEm, FLOOR cleaner, windows, PHpcrhHnncr, MONEY TO LOAN 67 Employment Agencies i tnier wnni a poaiiion. k. i Berkeley DANCE LESSONS cost no mors at ALBERT LUOWIQ'S on slocka. bonds or bldg.

and loan FU UN ITU RIO repairman, finiaher, SALES, Mine exp Open CLEAR income r-npertv; good soil; whtUh popijjon. Athene at. ACCOl'NTANT-Orodit J1MI Pai ll'ic. Audit (Aery. I.

ft, Posi tiARDKNKU. hundy man, can driva. plentv watef; m--e bom. for elder-v couple .1311 at. Berkeley.

certificates; brokerage. Security Loan Miscount 1314 I i ss 1 I At- 1 1 73 SPOT CASH and loan w. 1 'k 40:, 1 do si 1 i.kland 7 ROOMS. A II done over like new hardwood floors good le. nen Misj-jon st.

4 Fnnk ft tinr M'-n Janith. Hg 4t)i refa. Kill. 14.M KEMP AGENCY, 081 Muikct. rm.

041 HorsKKEEI'ER, thoroughly com 1 poop rieoniooT leg Salesman, wine exp 518 vk GAS etH. opcrtititr. expert; grocery. petent, healthy, with children or rl.leip. aBes.ORil.

I'nder expert consoienl ions Instruc-tnra you remiire fewer Usona to dan-re correctly and smartly. Ret-ulta assured. Lead well, follow ea Ballroom, dp. pnv, iUaj. LUDWIG'tt.

"For Those Who Cve 6an Franci-co. 5M2 lieary. TU. 1703 Oakland. H40 14th st.

TEmn. 6(132. Est. rm. apt.

J'r. Oar $Vll. S0H7 Suilcr at. DEPT. sinre.

est. 311 want patl-ner: JI0.00U reo. Inv. proi'ited by real Ex. DRESSMAKING, hentatitrhing.

noTipo siorc, rnlly enulppod: rent Inc. chcriful living quarters bath: t.OH0. in, 1. stock. Ph.

VA-leneta nn agents DR lt. S'DIBE disc! no compeitiion; salca over -ft 300 1 Kx liRY goods; po reas. offer refused :I4.H yrultyalf. Fit. SHIPPING clerk.

Oakland SAC. fl.tttitt bung, for $750; 1 large NEt' 5 rm stucco t-nmish dbl. at cer. Rrooksid' nr. and CUremopt ae Oo.n eeinble sHlt'Wimn notei i lei enbrr, neraedi- ohpb buaim'ss- pnifrr ujr, RiiMness Men's.

o35 Market (Ag, HOI' SEKEEPER. reliable wnman. or rm. and rest rm. Must be moved PL1 MONEY TO LOAN Salary, Siiitable for any kind of buainesa country, and NEWSSTAND mgr.

Oakland GEN'KRATi'R. motor maintenance re or botne. 2'MI Sloat blvd c. Ill Sutler. found IIIT.

Agi Co-maker, Chattels, Jewelry Please take notice THAT IX YOCR OLD Jewelry Collection SUBSTANTIAL stucco reidence. nr. pnirman; elct-. hrHtlnp. cooking pxp.

armature windtna: uteam. sas. dro rice, power houne onerntinff evn. intorcomniunit'B ion instHltn 6S SALESMEN, AGENTS conk lit restaurant: exo. neat and lea 455 Fran kli si.

ni 117 2v board. tMuall waes: K. P. family. Pox 4133.

Oak. HiirsEWilllK. rook, reliable colored gni. od a dw m-lo? TH. 03 00.

HliPSEKEEPER with child 2 wants po i tip n. 78 4 A at ay war i $7 500; $1 000 do-vr, 7 rro manon. Spanish balcony- etc: e-' cool avstem. dif b.w 4tv4'i Mli'on ave. near iv.lere JACK HAINES 42Q 15tb ft Ho A Funaton sacrifice.

down finest value bv cnp-iparison tn district; worthy Invcuticaiing. EV. SM.NO, $2,750 full price Rest. mod. 5 rm tien, maintenance; collr-jr.

trade Are valuable pieces school. Excellpnt ref, tio anvwhere. Mdatod nlapta nfd. pox 4 1.161 Kx I'XH'NTAIN, I'andy. smokes, close schools, steady trade; terms; trial ever offered for the money; furnace Old Watches 3 A.

tmproied gar. 6 rm, house 1 heater, etc. terms 200,1 Minion (JltoCKUY clerk, youn, artive, A-l hv Sixteen and Over To built up cirenlatinn on news exo WK. 14 Sacrifice. 1.135 103 ave.

Hlll'SEWORK tmrt time woman WKst SKfl. WITH OOop MOVEMENTS drive tmck. Rox 4. 1 ti. J'-x.

$2S AO mo. 4 rm. detachPd bung given; no ngcnls. 4111H Mission st lunch rooni. beer and wmeforjale.

pi0 7 13 PLEDGE LOANS on PitVrn orals Watches. elc, at 1 per monlh. No Fees No Extras. CHATTEL MORTGAGE LOANS on all Household Furnishings, Convenient Monthly Pavnicnts. REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N.

SAN FRANCISCO 0.13 Mission si. KEarnv 4010. OAKLAND. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION 510 llllh st. TEmpleJiar 4177.

Piedmont newlv renovated' $1.0 down. Price HOTKL clerk, A I city or paper routes in San Kranciaco. Thia 47tlS Mission. DEI. 4500 count ry rh.

uRd. f7Zn, rm. im. DISCOURAGED you can walk we can teach you. TRY OUR GUARANTEED COURSES 112 Lessons, 2 One month's clas-s lessens free.

BAN FRANCISCO School of Dancing 11255 Market St. IF YOL'R DANCING can stand im-proxement. you'll find "Irene's" the logical place to Icarn or to brush up on all dances. PRIVATE LESSONS Tide Ii FOR $3 50 '5c 8 FOR (Ill The Ireme Studio Knllrn Second Floor. 40fl OEAJTYST FJlosncei fOTO.

is the bent proposition vou ever FOPNTA1N. lunch, beer and wine: ac- hour: 10 60c HOI SEWORK. $3 dav. J15c vouii in an: A-l re 1 LP HtirSEWOltK. Jl a day hall day.

Hox Ex. IDEAL home tor tur- heard of and your chance or steady NEW bungalow; A furnace: gar JANITOR. hHndy niHn. httl, emplov merit dunnc thn summer up to the minute. Xr.

25th and Pieces montbs. File your application now or stMrt rifht awwv. AppR' to Room insneo; or unfurniibc-i to, 1-t'on Sell spot i.i?ii er s-c -r-tt'. discoiinlabis ti eer epcpoi No brok'rs or real ae-'ts tonlv Rox Fc-rv Post Offl-e Sin Fn- "-o count death Jll.1l lljth st. GARAGE.

,1 FLOORS." CO.NII'I.ETI'. Service stall, 10 fine equipment clears over mo. Will sell rnr less than lnvenlor Market GARAtlE for sale, easy terms. Ad-dress Goforth. Covelo.

Calif, vrn ra city nr cinimry net. Swedish oil byiypra. Hox Kx JANITOR, wants part time work In apt. houso or office or odd John. Cull Thomas.

MO. Mnnadnuck Ual Market a at ro 4 75 1 i ms. 4 24 Cij-J 10TH ave; 5 rms. and social bargain Ta raval. eves.

MO. 0552 MttD. 5 rm. nr. school, car.

Pr 1.250. terms, 2075 21 ave. -Open 4 to il n. m. HOtyrWOTUC.

conen.1 Iriah. accd OLDViu. f''nd, Rox Kx. lkMKU 'nllK. roi.k.

like chiMren 'i, voiniK sleety home. T'l tss HOUSKWORK. cookiny. rleantnc. iron- MEN AND WOMEN ARTISTIC OLD SETTINGS lAIIVKP.


Richmond JANITOR. It; yrs. locsl jrpneral Sill TO JJftO LOANS. OI H'K LOAN SERVICE. SrlTE fiOS.

7S.i MARKET ST SALARY LOANS ARRANGED, KEYSTONE BROKERAGE CO 701 Hid-: 700 Market st GAS STATION needs man to aawisl $5.000 2-Morv home roni rmiBii jow tools, ru. 4jri. tiiK hv iny or hnur.M 1 HUK Ii RM. house. 0 lots dble ear large JANITOR- pxp.

Uliinpse. wish uoai- good wages aasurcl; -flnl) icq 3ft TAYLOR PTUKET. in I'M 'Ml. HorsiiKKEPKR nr maid, hntol work: FOX TROT WALTZ TANGO TAP barns, well ami spno; water. Reas pr.

A real buvEX 754 L250 buys JltKOOO Richmond" hit nga low nn close In. KV. RH5rt, Putt WHICH tiun. j-hoim t'liin preferably with newapapsr or mnaa pieiHMi OHdwny J.ll'l. COXF1PEXTIAL loans arranged for .1, Kill 11 Fresno, cor.

GAS be-o ha-. In town Owner, MACHINIST. Al. all 'round machine. cine experience steady, profitable tii.

htnoeo or care semi-invalid: stoop 1.IWI E. 14 Hi st. Sun Leanilriv olfice einnlnvoa. Army officers, etc Suite Market st. emplnynipnt; salary ami commlaitinp GAS.

super; only lease security req. bench. flonrmHn; also on automobile and truck motors; an anywhere; optioriHl, Rnx 4 1 04 Kxam. Lots For Sala Apply 'Mi tn 11 a room Hesinncrs anil advancer etudrnts learn easily tiuicklv! Patient on-acipnilniis ladv atvl men teachers. SPECIAL RATES! PRIVATE.

75c lessons 60c: 6 for t', 50. 4.1 lessons 8 for f.i. MinttniiTAT.r i it it lOfi PENINSULA REAL ESTATE liillt San l'hlo, Oakland. home: ncat rctH. PMaWtire Nl'RSE.

intant or children, pood run tako full charge, I'h. WKst HiiKf), Room IS. Monadn kb I 1 st. CHARACTER and COMAKER loans. LOCAL LOAN CO.

110 BLDG GV fi4l HI'NTERS Point Marina view lots IF you want to become hichlv paid GBot booming mining town; sales 13, Mill 5 tin. turn Hat, More than the Gold Weight value I if Insurance salesman listen to Burlinsme Nl'RPE. raf'ttoal. ep'rif npd in cur1 dfi up; best climate: tract office Hunters Pfont Hansen. UN.

53o3 HALE ACRE at Colma nr. Mission at S3 50 full price. HEmlock 1533. DEBT ADJUSTERS family trundle; mm, terms II. XEI IIAI JSOX, 7Rf Market "Winning the Wept" every Tours dav kGO.

then Invest! Kate nur proposition. Mechanical, alec, machines, knowledge P. c. voltmeter system elec, magnets, relays, elc. AT 5707.

o( children will no anv i-Ijuc ref. OUiwHV 8517. rm .1 EEPROCMS $4,000. RnC fiEARY PROSPECT 3 Private Lessons $1 GROCERY STORE; tlcan place, big teunny Fvantab home, livin OCCII'KNTAL IKK INS IVCI f. fntiLUxo -anltrri trnnn all NURSE, rrnftical.

comnaninn to ladv. d'ning rm garden, fruit trees i-Ulu- ftrliuhtments piaile. in buaineba Income Property or Sala stock; gocd profits; tf'MIO icq trial 3 STA It S'I'RE ET. Rl Ii 1 3 1 "I GROCERY, wines, beer; good luisi- near fhool; $1 730 cash. $21 reo.

MARINE engineer, stationary plant, steam, eiec; anywhere: Al refa lllsate apt. 3. lh veara MarKer. rm. Aitiflie Values in "arket H.

A lid red ce branrh mpr EST, lo al firm wants nalesmen im mediate work; -good dally Income permanent connection If qualify Apply Market room I oil ness; excellent living rms will ac- Foreclosure Pick-Up E. PAIL CO 145S Burlinganie. 3-RM. bun close in: lot 40a 130: bargain: S3. 500 cash.

Broadway Real'v 1454 road-ray Fovtrot. valtz, lat steps. Lucille's Eludio. 11 Market. MA.

HUM, QaklaniL 4D0 13th PRIVATE LESSONS $1. Besrlnners and advanced rnurses. V1ROIX1A DALE. 1HU Market. 81 Money to Loan, Real Estate care onndren; uy dav.

nicht or bent refB. OR 1 7, nit 315 NURSE (traduate wnnts office work: no exn, can tyre: wk. cratm; lncwl rcfa Tiox 4131'. Kx. NURSE, practical, competent, exne- riem-ed.

a week.MArket PAINTER A to tint, paper texture wants position- ffl a day: has tools, Farrell. 157 Bth al. UN'. bHOl, PAINTER, paperhangcr wiahes position: reas, WEst 5S55. ANTIQUE JEWELRY Are Valuable San Franriaco, or call at 1024 3 rm.

apis, and atore; It takes little to make this a beautiful bldg. cost $25,000: full price asked RMF modern: sell or trida for DEAL PIRECT WITH APPRAISER r. HEYMAX BROS 7-43 Market oent ear In Iradn. 10411 Dnlores. ullOCERY'.

vegetables. Chev. truck: e.L10 bargain. ,1500 33.1 st. GROCERY, ffio'rlay, 3 QDft ark ct rm.ll HARDWARE, paint slore, old established: complete slock; good lot a Rroadwny, room in Ohkland.

TWO arnbitioua. experienced salesmen st SI tter 4430 present lot value $5,000 ipvutigate this big value! CITV KEALTT. 2710 Mission, NURSE, practiefll or tnstiiulion work: PAINTER. 30 yrs. wants posl- II AN HOt'R private lessons Rose Mnore, 1371 McAllister: Hra.

1-10. tOUNO fadv trivet atrictlv private ballroom lessons ORdwav 3108. capable of interviewing executives or apu. Hox 4.1171). Ex Hillsborough rnr ell-known New iork firms refs.

IjEmlock V77H, apt, ft. NURSE, practical: lipht houspworn' "iiy, country. Rot 43U09. Ex. MARINA APTS.

T.oaio lesed 111 one day to HEIRS on LEGACIES, trusts, etc. Is! and 3nd mor' u-a ges. city-hav district renin- or VACANT LOTS. I.YXIAX Rl aSELL. 70.1 Market Cm-.

st EXhrook 73oO 01 ICIxT LO A SAR AXC, ON npts homes, Hats, atores or lots PR1NTIXG Y'oung man. 13, would a-ive eperience in netall; our men High Rates Paad BlMs tagW PRIVACY l.OOO: four 3 moms tlon; auitahle 3 men or man anil w-ife: unlimited possibilities guml like to learn business. Box earn tn flftO per week. Box each: strictly up to the minute SPANISH OAKS terricd rose rar-dens. smooth green Uwps ttToteal foliage; new Sp.n'sh hrtme 3 maa 4n.11.

i. Kxamlner. Nl RSE. practical, competent; reliable EDUCATIONAL SALESMAN, technical graduate, fl 45 stea heat, elect cic ref nreration ystone A IM. I'KRMANENT POSITION wan beris stoves, linoleum rs.

experience sales aupervialon married: ref. Pox Ex. aye dr. 'a of flea or No loan is ton small or too large races: a wonderful home and an ter hedrms 3 bath?'f rm Wonder'ill brgain 500 K. E.

PAI CO 145- Jfen for direct sales work in F. Hiirh oualftT product, nationsilv ad Prhate rtments. SCALE MAKER. WELDER. ME for liesi results and satisfaction.

WILL C. HAYS CO. cnmmprcifll wnrk. NURSE, practical, dependable MRS Torvo. WAInut 71.

I LLSBOROl'G Home 10 rooms. income, TREVOR CO 71 Sulterst. SJ'tter "SCOOPS THE fISl Market sc. nr. 3rd GArf, 837S nie-nanic or axperleneed merchant Jrialgiven.

Hnx 4HII34. Exam. HARDWARE bargain to rliTht party Tit. 372! Oakland. LIHRARY.

card, gitt shiqi. nr. Whit" lltniao; reus. Jx4 Ex. LI'Ni'H room, beer, and wine, gi4 0 full price: $.100 cash required: "Ben Farm Inn." San River Slocktoo-Tta, Hiehwuv CH A XI CHO X.

4M 5 JEX AMINE I SECRET AH I A Lor office work En ergetlc. neat and able young man CIVIL SERVICE FOR MEN. WOMEN ages 18 to 60; over 900 kinds of ready Government positions: write or call for list of POSITIONS and FREE 33 pace catalog. WESTERN COACHING PCRKAC. 831 MARKET ST.

SI', filllll. S. F. baths; beautiful rounds: almost new. Trade fo- ST FRANCIS WOOD.

verti.Hed; married men with cars pre ferred. Applv in letter, givlnt: ad j1resj. Rox 4'nHft. Kx. 2 AUTOMoHILe SA LKSMEN:" permanent position wiih attractive com Vfis prnmincnt.

corner, hardwood NURSK. practical or light housework 2Ln' 1 ny- a 2 7 4 competent stenographer. highest MAIL SHIPMENTS pm" Yu r.or.n to i We ihhK' our of for iinmcfliot o)v. .1 EROME PRA PER CO. RCSS PI.

PC. SITTER 4900. o' R'iringam av. S3 Nl'RSK. practical, nsrt tune work floors; exceptionally well constructed nothing bet ter in the Mission district; lone to 1 St and Mission.

Pci. 000. Walter Gordon. 414 pensn lion and demon 1 alor plan for producers with nrovrn record in nficr f) a. m.

OR. 440S. apt. R. (j HAMILTON Ik I'll.

4.1 MONT'iOMERY STREET. LOANS MONEY ON BI'NGALOWS flats, anartdients. vacant lots. lulcrest as low as 01. San Vraneiseo Pav anil 1'eninsnla.

LOANS. Homes, flats, ants If nrconfd Rv Ynu. hot will hp BE A MODEL Quality business experience. Excel-lent reference promptly furnished RON 14115 Franklin st SHOW card writer, grocery man. 3K neat, married, OR.

S737. rin. 401 main route Oakland to southern Los Gatos pinilcd or vour fliinmont rPturiKn nt onr eM'cnjie if our nffrr ri'fuwd low pnce1 field. See NOR Mo EE EAK1.K C. ANTHONY.

INC. OFFICE work. V. tnin: younp grl R. pfda fnun RA.

5-TH, aid. 4 astro st Patricia Morgan will teach you! Free S3O0 down, $30 mo tncl trtt pica old LI'N't'H room, living 10, ens: Industrial "A liEAf BUY' WANT ent-Tsetlc snd experienced salee placement. Hra JO a.m.-h p.m Eve. hy appt. Powell, suite 7 home in town 1 or paved at.

WINEMAKER. exp. 15 vrs. wants I'i-I A It MA CI ST. registered licentiate, thoroughly experienced in drug store district.

No Sunday. 1 1 Inward man with ear to represent patmnu rrevailn rates, Prnnint appraisals STEAM HEATED Luxe flat? with uppor detk. rnnins and cnni-cin Incally and East Rav terri LI ecats p-ei'le. icady to $175 down $32 50 mo lnc Int. i vii i torv.

Splendid opportunity for ricbt bn hs. upper (J rooms, lower. Fuil 1oh ryripsltiix 411.100. El WINE exp. Italian, graduated in enol ncywanla jnh.

Pox Exam. fine modern countrv homa tor "if'" W. l-'ILKS CO. Since I. 1 '7 KEAR V.

BR On S1 1 0 to piaco on 1st at i. In- miin, mri detail-, in appli than original mortriga. gn; -sMolMakca IL VA. OTIS. H'NCH COUNTER, coninien ial' dist JR5 rrri; OR I Market, rm.

.13.1. rat nnx 1 f.x. merclm ndisp anil pr scription work Kvaminpr. T. P.

Oierator ace, Ii0: pavrnll. cnst typirc: automot 'vo 8AUKST APT. rady tn wear, 10 WVUiL educated young married man SALESMEN 3. asos tn 45. for naar rolf conio properly; also 3nd.

Allierton with responsible ba kgrounrt. now em $700 2-3 acrt knoll, club. MORTUARY, woll ealuMlsli-d: "110.0(10 GOVERNMENT ANP STATE jniis. TVe will train you for any one Civil Parvlce Exam, for select the exam, you wish to take. Write tn-dav for full details.

Hox 3 VVx ISOV'T. Ftate, city lobs. BtnreKeener grauger, heme etudv 7.50 Urivate. $16: topographical draftsman. surve ins, mathematics Sutter School.

1183 MarkH st HE B534 Really. 157 Sillier. Gtr. 1507, ployed: experienced in gales, records. htsh class, well established com printing hoiine; lails fur ri i.

io REALTY INC 15 7 Sut sL LSrt. 2 I us-' be sold to elope eMte 1 SEE MAKE V'll'R OFFER Open 1730 Waller. KVer 0100 will handle. Box 4.11,10. Ex.

personnel work and law: desires exppripnca in also fittingaand nishofi; cnmmlasion only. Write pziv 1 050 S. Crua Mt cabin alfe. roadi water. conrectinns with responsible firm MONEY TO LOAN inr expunenoa and rtfarencee.

R'x NOVELTY Booth. Can clear mo ICaav to handle for man nr ladv ri 0 Ter ml 1 1 7 1 1 1 Future and Pay District location of sltrotiMn work: would leave city. RnK 4 Kx. BfauPful location ln rediroodt nxnininer, The House of Diamond Bargains TODAY'S PERT BARGAINS Beautiful Ct. ENGAGEMENT RING.

SI 60. 3 S1MTM1.S EAfH Elegant Diamond bar pin 135. Gorgeous Enrazcment ring S135. MEN-WOMKN CAN EARN SO-J-IO low as yinn VERT'N 10? C-ATOS mora interest than itarting salary 43073. Ex GIVE ME A CHANCE.

PARTNER wanted. Can't depend nn hired hcln. More business than ran wwekiv. heiitnr exp. not necessar' FURN ITU It rn-nia ker loa na a rapped AMERICAN FINANCE SERVICE, Maikrt st rf i-M 3CHOOI- TKACHKR.

24. wishes pnsl-Con dnrint' summer varsiiop. heein June 1, KxperiencM st rarintr for lrge fnmily. good tvpit Would DO TOU WANT A JOB At'OUST 15TH? If so take advamare of We leach you; nnanltal roouirod if Millbraa If you can ua reliable bookk-eper handle. He or she must he schcr.

industrious, well reconi mended, Tirca ABSENT WNER Corner flata 4-5's- 30 rooms cliars; s-de auto drive- data -bed bide Mission warm belt Tor RI IT TODAY for SS 500 ATwater 01,00 r-ppnonsinie. pee j. Whit enmb Htel. Firhth and Market. Fri at living wages, phone GR.

nl5 NEW 5-rm Spanish bouse; alava'ed like work in a summer resort Rnx the professional niillinerv course Tnten-itw bv appointment only, F-hcno OR dway 6r-n8. ft A RE OPPORtrXITY Short Story Ing rard. or $3 tiOO Coast 85 MONEY WANTED bdrm J500 down $50 rr9. 4.t!,tK. 'Kxammpr nay.

er Saturday. 10-1. FILirlNO. exp. janitor, knows plumb Foplar ave Ph.

VA jj)S. STKNOURAPHER Pecretarial. office ing, fixing lights, paint, tint, etc Refs. Hox Examiner. HOI Ifc man experienced in bakerv nroducts for country work ra-onhtc Piainond Ba.guct1e Platinum Wrist Palo Aito 14.000 1st mu.

on 1 000-ncre ranch nienwavj PARTNER for 01 MFG. Co. $'10 profils; $3fill rcq. terms TAYLOR STREET. ROOM 3U4 and Scenario Writinc.

Individual expert Instruction Esrp while voti of sunerviaina. Halarv and expense Watch, the entire front covered nfflp S. F. income J. OlMl per WAR Vet needs work, any kind: have car; good driver, farm, ramp IDERN FLATS.

Stucco, hardwood floors fireplaces etc. Like new. Full ear Close to 3 1th st Terms Real bargain' 34th si. between Mission-Valencia sis with old eataPiuhed firm. Box with diamonds 135 learn.

filSMonsdnook Bide. Thia is onlv fr4.on ner acre Monev EMBARCADERO OAKS work. PFX. 7 vrr. experience.

Al ffSfCSftQ. ANdnver STKNO. position, law office preferred experience more than salary, Rnx4 1. Ex. STENO.

lumber experience kt fiakland cook or baker. Box4.HS4.Ex. In a SETTING of BEArTITri wanted for short trrm. Mr. Herrick 1 0 JfuMcr st ROUTE men wanted who want to OAKS, adiacent to R-ncopada Park.

GOV'T jobs for men-women: examinations are under way. Free details X. E. 1005 Market. fN 4737 YOI'NG.

married, good driver, handy. make wk. in B. F. and for 1 7 intereft the- cultural center of P.tlo Alto in a direct line to High School and Oakland.

A new line, better in and bonus: fir.t loan with 4 to 1 Will co anvwhprp. Hox 4'lfl7. Kx. GRAMMAR, arithmetic snellinr Miss v-pstigate. Miller Products.

"5H st'curitv. Pnv 42H7M, Ex Stanford and verv closa to bet c-credited primar' school nite. Pierce. Fill 6371 PLI'MRINO bMPiness. good location est.

repn lr rnde prln'Mpnls only. 010. PRINTINO, small 1nb shop coniPb-te; downtown legation: low rant: terms. Rnx x.l44:i. Ex.

RESTAURANTS OF ALL KINDS. Tavern In enmmercia I diM beautiful place: 6' stonlg; 1 tables, reduced fn 51.500- of invoice STENOGRAPHER. Germ an-Knelish Market, p. F. shinning exp.

wants work rensoie i No sellln a Po x4 3400; L.x. SERVICES, capable, edin ated. single man. rm board, some cash er small weekly wages. Box 4MM.

Ex. FILIPINO, exp. cook, honsebov. willing, reliable, anywhere. Phone GArfield yn7.

Rm. 40. A(JENTS wanted, protected territory 1 a posit io n. ox 4-tJ ,1 h. Kx WAITRESS I'ounc ladv.

with llftli SS MINING AND ASSAYING Of ENGLISH DESIGN with b-lck walled natlo. an planned home, consisting ef 4 be-i'-xipis new auto ac-eawrv. nulck seller: bitr 4S DAY CONTRACT WORK exnerienee. would like work for profits. Apply to 4 or write 60 3 full tiled baths Rvira rooii 2 small palar' to commence; Part 13 APARTMENTS, fi-3's and 5 yrs.

old heat. gars. My equity for $5 ik'O balance SI 7.000 S. F. bank loan: Income S4O0 mo Ml.

3PT.I ri FLATS. .10 front garages; Inc. 1 33 Tank loan S4.7.W Warm Belt Eomtv at sacrifice for quick sa'e SALA SALA 10th. cor Valencia $30. oOU East of Van Ness ave 13 .14 Sd53 50 per mo.

Large pitce can be arranged alter E. MeGuire. 330 lontgojrierv Alary st EXbrook 7'JOH. MJning Gold Bought ii me nre fprrpd. Rot 4 I 1 ALTERATIONS, bouse rsisinc store VAN DYCK ADENT.

fi2 Market SPECIALTY aateamen: fine nrnortun feet, den breakfast roo-i a kitchen the JOY and DELIGHT of a-" woman, gaa All aouippe-i WAITRESS, small, neat: needs ltv: no aee limit: cnrnmiiMon dniiv: RESTAURANT for IMMEDIATE sale. Elegant Rich Diamond See That 1 Carat QUALITY ENGAGEMENT RING. Diamond Waltham Baguette Wrist Watch $85 riatinjm. elegant model S85. Engagement Rings GREAT VALL'ES.

$50, $75, $10 Wedding Rings Fu'l (ll'tcts c' averaaina 38 diamnnds $6000. Others, fr wrr 'Lainnii'1 beauties 115 $30 35 ASST. rectifier, cooper, wineoian. all 'round man In liquor business; years' ref. P.i.x I'x.

work hadlv. Rox 4.11.T7. Kxam with verv riwiv.icr-, frafnintr bv salesmen. Advertiser 1H1 1 Park Alameda eauh and terms SA UNDKJPH- 8no MARKET, rm.717 WAITRESS, maid reliable; 3 to This home "(st rornc-ieree! srd iron's, stucco tronls. earane; esti-mat-s free.

Ph. Mission PAINTING, decorating, panerhnnglnc, interior, exterior, rhone for estt- ma t' I'N, 33 03. PAINTIXO. tinting. paperhancinr YOUNG atudent.

work any kmd; ave- EXPER1WNCEP CANNKIt FOO 4 hr, a dav. Rox 4Vf14, Kx, REST A I HA NT -Ro cinta :t.r a dav RETJAPKK woman 17 vrs' exo. with trial: reo. H4H niarKei rm. Ca--h pnitl at once up to any amount.

or rnail Small or larce lots. Ri- ore bouKhf vn made. 1'IONKEK ASSAY OFFICE. Fat 2K ca re. Market Ft, Room I'h.

-R020 drmili-- nn(- 4f liii rcst anil rif best r-ilif. st inlnct inn, iioo OnO cartv. fl'in requin-d to -ouip. I'artic-t suppRinjf asurd priced axcfptiopa'lv low a' $14 000 Located 171 naar E-nharc-adero. Owner's REF 735 Highway Palo Alto SALESMAN to solicit jobbers.

als do missionary work at retail stores Rox 4C171. Exam. LAKE st $8,000: 4 3-rm REST A A N'T, sickness. r- children. Care children, dav.

nmhl. -n- hr. it ref. Km. 7 1 H.V inside and outside work: general copiracMng: reas.

rNdci'. 3IM7. YOUNG marj to work in order dnt PRT time officn wnrk. typins. billinp.

Redwood City experience not neccassrv: stan Ka In good Innr-c fitiM -nf-t st. ROUTE manager wanted for F. or other towns good I neon--1: inv. OtiO Chen-rv; DEI. 4'l.

bookkeeping; lull charge. Hbmlotk tiinea. Reis. Pox 431110. Ex.

JAPANESE exp. housework, laundry, i he hel rha 11 enr A CHINKSE. first class famllv TSO mo. I.OI'IE Fi'NG. ''lima FILIPINO.

plain h-'iisiwork. laundry; capable, po 057:1 tin WHITE. 34 marred, work cheap bnkv, oltd. H7HI. Aot 41 CARPENTER reoairs alterotions an kinds; div or work Mr.

H-irdin. fiOl olden trjl t.ate Th' R'dr. Tft Tavtcr st ti-i-mciid'Ois mcoino life. ul' in PAPER. PAINT TINT EXPERT TO UN'! colored wpiph wisbos work BARGAIN 4S orti- -oe c-rn.

ptetrd. in Pa-k 1 ni nia tion bv appointment. nreakfa1'! rni. ants, tncon'e MnO $5 pi)() bank loan foldwell. I ii a II Ranker 57 Su'ter WONPERI-'I ooiHirtuuity for hua-biinil and wife.

tor. ant. house, fuip alwas $4 000 will handle. Box 3503. Eyain.

AP'l'S Siiniiv cor 15 rms. M-Mern ith garaires 7 350 ro. A real nick up. Ieails. 30i7 Sutter st.

SANDWK'H shop, lunches, beer on QUAT.IFIKTJ drug and ampule subs work; rs; Fill part time Rrf 'L. draught, obl i-l yra owner: ra. prtcf. Mi'-s'-'tri. r'm.

CARPENTER Lt me estimate vour 'A PA U.SI-; rl as epnral bdoT men with car contact physician; a nd hospitals in enta hliFhed tern tory. Rnx Examinerv 1 Ft Ml SALE CikIus" wet rock drill K'Md ion. Hmx COMPLETE placer nvuhine. huspiitm I'finccp rn inr rm; i ne P.r a FANITARTUM. 10 room: barcain: by lob small or bte I Ndcrhill 878P PAPERING J5.

tint 50 Incl thro'iihc garden fa-ilit-i for fining Ow ner on p-- 3" or a'ernoop'' KVg Non'KGI-W air! wants work by hour, WAlnm 107 4 CANDY salesman with follow int. Pne material, painting: no ups SK. ri'Jiic JAPANESE man wants houseworlc by hnur. gond worker. PA iiiisn Y'OI'XG man will r-h.

sctvicei for nn cj-m. ref. Box 4-M 3 1 of hulk and hoxed lb. cho-olHH o-nper to Rroppect Msvwani. S11EKT metal plumbinK buf-mcsa aac, drar jiHt.0mtA Hamht.

BF.ArTiFl'L 3 rms U-: G1RI. nepds work, office, waitress. FCRNITPKE repaired and refmisned. rhone mnrnings. M'lnt rose 1118.

creama. to work on ftO of profit, prices right. H4ft1 Oak. Dinner Ring, $C5 DIAMOND CKKATION l4Carat, $225 Lad'-'s rm- P1fk no DIAMOND BRACELET 05 A GREAT BARGAIN HUNDREDS OTHER BARGAINS. BETHER CO rs-B-04dv- 'XI San Francisco Real Estate MI ST sacriti-e 4-5 rm.

flats. Al condition nr. 1 il: Owner. MS ilenHii Oon Sunday full price: 3 fiats. 5 rms" HardW'od floors: near Lincoln way.

JAPANESE school buy wants tw.ilion. SHOE repair shop. 457 Larkin st. can drtvp. f.R t.

RKMART.E woman wanta houi-ework mornings. M1V fi.Hll SALESMAN, huild route on repeat or Swrnfice account death j- fr plain cvokina. Tel. YVKat JHI43; San Carlos CHINESE, rood family conk exp. and CARPENTER, alterations.

(Mirs ca a pl a free M1.J.730 PA FER HANGING $3 per exp mechanic. Ph'llt psw Alnut 0H0.1. fnrniation call Cross it Kellyt 74.r Mi.s.iujinat; COMPANION to ladv nr invalid: coed ders: car or liijht truck. irmm 17th at. POT cleaners dumbo) 4'k- doz.

rm Homes For Sale schoo is. ant ave ref WONG: PRi.soect seams' Rox 4.I.W". Kxaminrr. near f. CHVls SO CONCRE'l Business Bldg swured SHOE ehop.

doinj; good very Bl'ILP a cihm "95 F-l 4Q75S Fx CARPET laMng. nlteratinns: machine account sickness 7 ti deary. blades, loweet price. Soap 7 cakes 11c, 25 California, rm. 223.

(iO EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN NEW patio bung, wide lot: closp sbop-ivor. cars. Liberal Ruilder. 3007 33d ave OV. PHio.

REX ALT DRUti STORE, new sicnk San Mateo materials. C.ood opoor leased year. 1 tenant. Net Full pri 10 OOP Phone 0 A 35' stucco flats. 5 and 0 rma wiUi nr.

35th and Dolores a's Price SO 5oo Terms Kev at SVIH s- sewed. I 'h. TI xedo 'JoKP. PLASTERING patch. Al' rea T.

HOCH, 1352 Hvde. PRos, 0016 Ml ST be sold dandv home l.o50. tunttv -for a worker: state are anfl inventor'. about 54.0'iO. Town on tvvo hvwa s.

Sacramento Vallej Intel 'laridee. Oakland nence. Box 4253 0. Examiner IF the position yen aeek fa not advertised here. Insert an ad under "I'asl-tiana Wanted.

Many obtain work h.v thla method. The cast la amall. cash. mo: pr Mis-ac; n. a A Hjar 3 3 0J Mj i yPER.

$'Z rm. UP: tint paint, nnr SEVKRAL neat appearing men to sell Father, son. experts. FUlm 78.10 ACTIVE men (3). travel So.

and Pen INCOME snap, 30 a. vines, walnuts. M- 15 ob- COT tREI 'yun- wnman, general b'Mipe work, nkin re MArke ft 'J ft C. JAPANESE girl, general horiFPWork. wash, iron; by hour.

WE. 4174. SW DISH 1 wants enj se mornings. HEmlock OPn. YOUNG woman a r.

pa 1 1 nr, a ni l5 K.V'np JAPANESE girl, conk, to do housework: rf. WE. EN P. lady, care child: 1UM rk: i sleep heme. WKst 30o ft.

off Mission my mod PAINTING paperhanglng. expert: own a hieh arade product to the homes Fori nte.view, Box Examin tral America: est. business: nominal good returns. LA. 0J4ol to 4 dO'stt 2 a'crv POSITION offered with moderate in fools: low prices.

Li And. I'HTi. PAPERING. S3: ErTa'mel kitchen. 15 A-l work guar.

I'Xd. 0343 4 mi. stucco home; cash: mo. bal. Miision.

Lot'0 ii ROOMS. A SXAP! Cozy cottage; large lot; good loca-t 343oSan Brunoave. PEAI'TT operator, all around: expert finger waver. Pox 43.11 ft. Ex COOKING and housework.

young woman: Pundaya off. WEs 037U. vestment in shipping proposition: real marlt. P. O.

Box Sac. for $13 90'1 to cas-i menl wiu'red av Mon'e-ev stv .1 snacio'is 11' onto -a: rv cocj -a rn- rm r' PC ra! dn tr--h WE are lookinar for a reliable man 25-40: ray weekly. Call Monday a rl 4 1 Pacific 1 rt a. RAZOR blades, rubber goods, cream snap, Jokes, novelties: very cheap Innuire. It pays.

4on" Kearny. 833 Market 3rd floor PATNTING. inside outside: paper- ne r.uildmKS. water, on hlrhwav Tutnam 5Valnut Creek. 59 O00 RARGAIN MARINA FLATS.

NR. CHE-TNVT 2 gas beat. Cimino: SC. S.130 .1 FLATS and house, double frontage: income SI 00 per nn, loan $4,000. full pr, ti000.

G.R0Otig S75: rRICE $.5,500. Nr Fitlptore: for small inves'mem IIS, ntt won. hotter WM f41ti BEST businaaa In Calif. Small Inv. hungir.g; mod work: reas xx A.

031 Bt'XGALOW bargain. S500 cash. $36 COOK, housework: cond home: small wa-rc. Rnx 43431. Examiner Monev maker.

Mr. Tierce. S.o Ph OR. 7135 (CcimmenrHal BMg.) rm taftut i din er ro -i-o b-eak'K nia a rdrm bt rm bath a i a-d can ba ieat'v c. niv' t'e'r PATNT.

tint, paperhsnsing Jl rm up: free estimate. MArket P300 ASSOCIATE, inv. 000: earn $.00 HOPSEWORK. light cookiog: woman fl.t board. 4111 17th a ve 434 month: nr.

Sea CHf; oaK fioois. i rn ace 3 00 F. 040 8 ROOM HOI SE. St 350. Near Olh ave, Hardwood fiirnaee.

Kev. 711 Irving Third Floor MAN with car to close leads. Larkin a. m. PAPERHANGiXG.

30c roll: painiinc arrpert wo'k rusr. MA-ket 3315 mo. Inv. bv real proo--tv 1003 1440 Brosdwav Oa HOI SEWORK. room and board: 110 sed A i -i CARE elderly woman or child: can teach nano.

dr're a'lto HE 1007 FACTORY work. exp. pewer machine and house dresses. Bnx 41 Ex. rJr'PlNESS couple work for board.

small r''. Bnx 4.11 Ml Kx WOMAN are for 1 hildren dav or v' Phcne, ORd 4 0 ORd 4 OS 2 MEN. with or without cars, Dei WANT partner or buver for 5 new PHONE 1XUGL(VS 8020. Al txinter. paperhaocer noeda work rrv cheap.

ATwater 5063. HATVIEW': S-rm cor ore- losnr- mo. Avview :ii.l7 Hoi'SEK EEPER room and hoard mo. EVergreep 033.1 Richmond Dist, Real Estati inventions. In $1 000 req.

ral.nt cwner pox 41437 Fx Mmt'e Claner-cV ift lw Frpadwsv. RA7.0R BLADE VKA DQT'ARTER Sp4eiaMie Fan'er. 2fWi Ptb st 11 rK I small down pvmt. bal. i-ka rent CAFEXETMAKER.

laundrv rehniWlne: FOR RENT dining rem in well estab a- 5i. MASPEt KE. experienced, undtri Al. "fc Miintev st. tiA.

eot'. a corer na forac'o4 $4 750 full rrlre; roon home rata fitrnifi m4 1 1 rSnlea 'rv. InPEr.N 6 room bungalow 73o'l ave Owner a Porio'a dr ror PEFRir.ER ATOR, washer salesma" Pf0 I4h Fan Leandr 1" STNOLPS f-ROP painters rir" lisb.d summer resort at nqernevine o. Rox 1 17 Guerneville t-3 CARE fer children at my home or out. err capable.

SK 4-17 tio son (- so 1 ir aiVooti 5 'i'' will kd.o 5.Fox 471H4. Ex MASSEI'SE. aPnence(). full lima. No rhrm ealla.

7 guitar ft, rati- 71Q Mh v. TvV E- a-iv 510. Mi Xt gff- ttnftg: work wr, Bi. OR Po3j TrrW tl.atarln stucco work: P' LIOt'OR aa leamen. eTner ten-red.

AV FOR BALE K'lddv awto rlda Go'nrrls: rproe y.e for Santa Crut tr -JAPAXESH: yunr wan pla-n wk housework Fh. WAInut $3,500. atucrn 5 rms. di--FL1S am. eare: H3 pt-t Oia pt 'cb too tT.all: cement.

tE 4574 OPERATOR on awmnaa. Murt ba ex LOV.J ryp cook child rurea. DBrienced: attadv work. Peninsula IVEON aisn aalesmen leadi furn i S3O0 Tailor aioro. Clo'h and Dxturee nette; b.

ara-e; almost new; twnk' ttckniat orcea ulf: 4 son down, bal arte $30 rro. TA1, 1075, fv-yt'i-e S33 3-1 'f 4001 v-o, 1 RMS. papered. pamtd. ttnt1: 1S tip WA, per-irVula: rf.

San Mateo 4qi2W. Awn'ng rvi ermm'seioT! lg Mark't pop t.neat.r iv iOW.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.