The Norman Transcript from Norman, Oklahoma (2024)

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14 The Norman Ok) laranscript Sun Nay 15 1939 Junior Guidance first-Aid Flans Provides Topic Five Engagements Involve Persons From Norman Fortionrr rri' 1hr For Sorosis Talk 7 Can De 4 2 Roan 4 r' '-'1- 1 I I 1 i i A 1 1 1 A i r- Lih 'H i 1 i t) 1 e4 4r 1 H-1cv- I 1 1 1' It: 's 1 II I i ') i I) 4 1r 1- 1' I i I it i I 't I 11t I A I i 0 I '') I I 1 1 i 'I If 1 11 ir! Nof LA KIN 2()T i'FN 1H1LA 4 JEAN 1-1ME i TA CH i rt 4 if 11 tl J1! 1 'Brave Prince' Ordinary Dccember Nuptials Meetitigs 'Brave Prince Urchnory liccember Nuptials Meetitigs 1 ot Garden Llubs Scheauled for Four I t) 1 4 I i I After Floneymoon IsOver? Focus on Christmas Plans i1 111 I II II I 1 1 1 1 rl 41 I 1 nv 1)i)izillitl f()t I' nt L' I viner Set Jan 22 (h i i 1 t' 1 I l'I l'' 1 iHi 7 i 1 1 iditd l't il-irit 1111i11 1 ii1: i- t' I I ivi i' i i 'i I iii i I I ti i' i iii i ii i 1 'i''''' li 1 i I i rn l'i() (Iiiii i 114 L0 1 l' 1 l'' 11 II" 1 i 0 10 Dcnnis-Lane hcilt11111 I'll I 11 I 1 I I i 1 1 1 1 '1 11 ir At It' (1' 10 tO hi 11' 1H '1r''' 1 i 1 filtlit 013V L11 I' 1 1 I I 1 i 1h (I I) ot it 1 Itoppirv 1 4 11('' 1111 J1 ci '1)) 1 I' I 1 l'''' It' I 1 '1 11 1 1 I 11 r11 I 1 1)1 1it Itl a iI'' 11( I 110 1 1 I 1 I 4 1 rt 11 I 1 '1 1 11:: I 1 I i I 1 i 1 I i 1 i I 1 1 i 1 0 1 11 til 01 i t'l I '1 kt a '1c- '1 1 I 1: I 1 1: 1 I I' 't- -( 11 at' i 1 I i 1 1 It t' I In 1 ti ''''''2-v 11'11'0 l''' I a' I t' t- llt I i 1 I '111111 4''-tt Il ''i 1 11 13 1illidt 1 IsIIIIIII It'll) I IIIIIIII'II('I '') II 'I i 1 () I)) ''t I )1 l'i sI I I I' I 1 'I si i 1 )t 1' I 1 I I' '1 1 I nit' itiilli I III11 I thii lit I I 1 ') 'i 1 I Ill "A '1'1 lc I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I'' I b' ()': i I 11' I( I op II I 4 Illil I I I' I II IIIL I II I I :1 pi Ibtittlit't It' 111'11 II II 1 I 11 1 1 II 1 'I I 5 1 I I I 1 1 I I1 )' 1 II 1' 1i' (11'' 1' I OW' Ill li 1hI duster 4 4 4 1 1 i I l'e 1 (t 3 r'1 33 grn 1 0 'Iv sit1 it ii "11ny people flit unniv in I I 7 1 In III 1: i I I i 1)t 1-0 1 i (II 1 i 1'': rt 1 I vt( I 11 01i '10 oncen 11) J1-) Hwy )) )) I (Ha al! 0 1 I I IRI 1 ILI Vt't 101) Mi11 f'1 h) 10Iii iI i i 1 i It' i vI i 1 I 1 I 1 C' 1 t' 1) 1 JI a 4 1 til 11 1 '1 10" he rlit i I i i 1 I i i LI: Ilt 1I 'Ii IhI I i i 4': I 'I ill'e '1 I it i 1 11 Int t1 II 1 0 1 I 1 1- 1 H1 11 k' 1 Green-Province i 'I' 1 1 11 i I 11 I I 11 1' t' II's 1 Fr 1 1 1 ii))))I- 1 t) I) 01 I 10'1 '1 t0 1I 1 It 1 i I 1 1'1111 f't ti lit 1kt 11' iLiP4lity' I ''tI' hi 1111 11- I lir ttr IraC 0111 11 t'-'-' ke rit111 i ()te Uit ilottornion colt i Noble ir cus Joh! tc-k er lokteted t111111 en JIM hv 11Ht het ore cup 01 in th ohs' 1 Farev ie ll Party ()! 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Save onethird by buying Monday! 342 Par Uor-Ljzards GIRLS' CAR COATS (dole' LOAFEES (4 t1 Heel firipletit 41 yii 1 In-il SP011-s4 I 01-11 I i Voiu( to vniu: to 1090 y5- intlatiatons Ind Elvin CAI Repdra rl REDUCED I 1 1 i 1 L) i i ') id )- 47 7 BOYS' CAR COATS 51 Pair 0 ni (147iti LIZARDS 7 77 7 Zg-- 1 FRED THOMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Ili hortft Pettrs Pft if 4 intim to $1297 1 rr announcei TOPPER Relax-A-Lounge 1 I TOPPER Relax-A-Lounge -f ir mor GIRLS' DRESS COATS rr hyt 1 I eS Par ALL SALES FINAL One Group 1 Ij HEYDAYS ONE GROUP -1 Values to I 9 1 7t4 1 17 't199 if 'utt- tt- 1 CS Main lA OFF DRESSES c-Lr IC 0 cql-ec:" 6SCc4i A QZ0 1495 ar: 17: L'- DRESSY FLATS value to 1095 397 tr 497 Rcg 495 to 17 95 Relax Reduce At Home At Home Health At Home Rotomatic Controlled Massage "Human-Hand-Action" For Fro hom*o Deroonstrotwo CALL JE 4-6052 Phone JE 4-SSSS 307 West Boyd 1 97 I I I 1 nticr Tots (2t Tenns -------7-7-'2-t- Fr-' -7----7 -7 -7-'7: tr- 77-7 777 -FT ri- ----a---: -4-1-77L-- -----L-- 7 Plo i'40 RI- Jr14! 0 hang 115-A Cost Main Norman CYKia.

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The Norman Transcript from Norman, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.